Chapter 18: Atlantia

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"So, you are what I would have become if Peter Parker succeeded in clearing my system of Cordelia." The Atlantia double said looking at me analytically. "A pathetic, weak girl who is too broken to stop herself from hurting her friends."

"Why don't you find out how broken I am for yourself." I say summoning a staff to my hand.

"Gladly," Is her response before I see her begin to summon a power ball. Before she could, I slam my staff into the ground and she stumbles from the small shockwave I sent toward her. She glares at me before summoning a pair of knives and charging toward me with them in herhand. I dodge the first swing of one of her knife and use my staff to block the others. The knife was quite sharp and had cut the wooden staff in half so I summon a spear. We begin to circle each other eyeing each other carefully.

"Not bad but I'm better." My double says. Without any warning, she throws her knives over my shoulders and I realized who her targets were. Quickly, I throw up a shield and just in time because I see them hit the shield just as they go up. The knives would have hit Tony and Morgan straight in the chest.

With a snarl, I turn back toward my double and let my spear fly toward her. With an ease that I knew came from our background, she flips over the spear, grabs it midair, before turning back to me in a defensive position with the spear. I summon another one and we began to fight together in a quick intricate spear fight. We were obviously evenly matched in skill as it was basically us fighting each other and based on what I could gather from what she has said, it seems like she is another dimension's path. If Peter never saved me, this is what I would have turned into.

At one point our spears collided so we formed an x with them and we were pushing against each other, hoping to tire the other out. As we stared into each other's eyes, I noticed that my double had begun to look over my shadows. A sinister grin appears on her face before I see the sharp glass shards fly off the ground and turn toward me but I knew they weren't for me. As the shards flew around me, I threw up a shield around Tony and Morgan just as the shards were about to hit them.

My double took my lapse of focus on her to get the upper hand on me. She wraps the spear around my throat and pushes all her strength against it so she could cut off my air supply. I gasp in a breath as I drop my own spear so I could push the spear off my throat even a little bit just so I could breath. I make eye contact with Tony who was looking for something to help me but I knew he couldn't. All of his suits were destroyed after Thanos was killed and his weapons were just taken by the Department of Damage Control for their investigation. I couldn't risk him nor Morgan getting hurt so I took a glance behind me and I realized we were close to the opening in the wall.

"Run!" I gasp out at Tony before I call on a shockwave power to push both my double and I off the edge of the building. We fall toward the ground with my double still trying to choke me. I could hear screams from below as we fell. Knowing that I wouldn't survive the fall if I didn't try to use my powers, I force myself to try to control our fall. My double opened her wings and slowed our fall but we still hit the ground hard. I groan as I roll off my double hoping that had killed her but thanks to my luck, she wasn't.

"Nice move." She groans out as we stare down each other. I notice some nearby onlookers had begun to film the battle, "but you can't protect your friends. I will kill your Peter just as I did to mine."

"You have to kill me first." I say as I begin to freeze the water vapors in the air but my double just smirks.

"You really think I wouldn't want to see the heartbreak on your face when I kill the love of your life?" She cackles before she uses her wings to push herself into air. I curse under my breath as I do the same and chase after her.

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