Chapter 2

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Present Day

"So . . . how does it feel to be back home?" My dad and I video chatted on the laptop he bought for me before I left for Europe.

"It's great, Dad. I'm set." I counted off with my fingers. "There's food, money, no adults, and you still have beer in the 'frig downstairs. I smell a paaarty," I teased. But my dad could give it as good as he got.

"Well, I also have some condoms in my bathroom. Use them if you need."
"Dad!" I burst out, wide-eyed with shock. Fathers shouldn't use the word "condoms", at least not around their daughters. "That . . . just. . . .crossed a line. Seriously." I started to laugh. He was the dad that all of my friends wished they had.

He had a few simple rules: respect your elders, take care of your body, finish what you start, and solve your own problems. If I maintained good grades, demonstrated direction, and followed those four rules, he trusted me. If I lost his trust, I'd lose my freedom. That's a military parent. Simple.

"So what's the plan this week?" Dad asked, running his hand through his graying blonde hair. I'd gotten my coloring from him but thankfully not the freckles. His once vibrant blue eyes were dull with fatigue, and his shirt and tie were wrinkled. He worked too hard.

I lounged cross-legged on my queen-sized bed, thankful to be back in my own room. "Well, there's about a week before school starts, so I have a meeting with the guidance counselor next Wednesday about my fall schedule. I'm hoping the extra classes I took last year will boost my Columbia application.

She's helping with that, too. I also have some shopping to do and then catching up with Dinah, of course."
I also wanted to start looking for a car, but he'd tell me to wait until he got home at Christmas. Not that I didn't know what I was doing. I just knew he'd want to share that experience with me, so I wasn't going to burst his bubble.

"I wish you were home to help me research projects for the science fair." I changed the subject. "I guess we should've done that while I visited you this summer."

My father retired from the military after my mom's death eight years ago and worked for a company in Chicago, about an hour away, that built aircraft and sold it around the world. Currently, he was on an extended trip to Germany, holding mechanical trainings. After my year ended in Paris, I'd joined him in Berlin for the summer. My mom would be happy to know I'd traveled and had plans to continue as often as possible after high school. I missed her so much, even more so in the past few years than when she first passed away.

At that moment, the French doors in my room blew open with a gust of sudden, cool wind.

"Hang on, Dad." I jumped off the bed and ran to the doors to peek outside.
A steady force of wind caressed my bare arms and legs. I leaned over the railing and took inventory of leaves flapping in the gust and garbage cans rolling away. The smell of lilacs wafted through my doors from the trees that peppered our street, Fall Away Lane.

A storm was seconds away, and electricity filled the air with anticipation. Chills ran over my skin, not from cold, but from the thrill of a storm brewing. I loved summer rain.

"Hey, Dad," I interrupted him as he was speaking to someone in the background, "I need to let you go. I think a storm is on its way, and I should go check all of the windows. Talk to you tomorrow?" I rubbed my arms to erase the chill.

"Sure, honey. I have to run anyway. Just remember that the pistol is in the entryway table. Call if you need anything. Love you."

"Love you too, Dad. Talk to you tomorrow," I called out behind me.
Closing the laptop, I shrugged into my black Seether hoodie and opened the doors in my room again. Studying the tree outside, my brain snapped to unbidden memories of the many times I'd sat in that tree to enjoy the rain. I had shared many of those times with Lauren. . . .when we were still friends.

Quickly looking up, I took note that her window was closed, with no light to speak of coming from her house that sat less than ten yards away. With the tree acting as a ladder between our bedroom windows, it always seemed like the houses were connected in a way.

During my year away, I had fought the urge to ask Dinah. about her. Even after everything she'd done, part of me still missed that girl that was my waking
thought and constant companion as a kid. But that Lauren was gone now. In her place was a sour, hateful douchebag that had no regard for me.

Shutting and locking the French doors, I pulled the sheer, black curtains closed. Moments later, the sky opened up with a crack, and the rain let loose.


Awakened later that night, my brain unable to ignore the thunder and thrashing of the tree against the house, I flipped on my bedside light and crept to the doors to check out the storm. I caught the sight of headlights speeding dangerously down the street. I tilted my head as far to the side as I could and caught the view of a black Boss 302 charging its way into Lauren's driveway.

The car fishtailed slightly before jetting out of my sight into the garage. It was a new car model with a thick, red racing stripe running down the length of the car. I had never seen it before. Last I knew Lauren had a motorcycle and a Mustang GT, so that car could've been anyone's.
Maybe I had a new neighbor?

I wasn't sure how I felt about that possibility.
On the other hand, that car would totally have been Lauren's taste.
After a minute or so, a dim light fell across my floor with the illumination
coming from Lauren's room. I caught the sight of a dark figure moving behind her blinds. My fingers started to tingle, making them too weak to curl.

Trying to refocus my attention on the fantastical display of wind and curtains of rain, my heart jumped at the sound of Lauren's blinds lifting up and the wash of light spilling between our two houses. I narrowed my eyes as I saw Lauren lift up her window and lean out into the night storm.

She appeared to be observing the spectacle, same as me. I could barely make out her face through the dense spatter of leaves, but I knew when she noticed me. Her arms stiffened as she supported himself on the windowsill, and her head was bowed in my direction, unmoving. I could almost picture those emerald green eyes piercing me.

She didn't wave or nod. Why would she? Absence wasn't going to make her heart grow fonder—clearly. Dread and apprehension used to plague me when this girl was around, but now. . . .I felt a strange mixture of nervousness and anticipation.

I slowly backed up to close and secure the doors. The last thing I wanted was
to trip and give away the emotions boiling under my calm exterior. During my time away, I'd thought about Lauren, but I hadn't dwelled on her, figuring that time and distance would cool her off.

Perhaps that prediction was too hopeful.
And maybe I wasn't as bothered by her shit anymore.

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