chapter 16 "What are you two dog breaths arguing about"

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                           Deoton looks at me in shock while Derek just gives me a confused doggy face. "What does she smell like?" Deaton asks me in a quiet voice as if he's afraid of the answer. Her smell? " I don't know, like perfume I guess." Deaton just sighs. " Try and think about it, Stiles, what did she smell like." I think for a second and try to remember what she smells like. But then it hits me, "Lavender and chocolate with just a pinch of honey and coffee." 

                  MY eyes wide with shock, what the fuck, I didn't even realize I was saying something until I finished saying it. Now that I think about it, her smell was so heavenly that I didn't even think  that a human could realize such a wonderful scent I've been smelling all day has been coming off of her. I suddenly see Deaton stand up rapidly. "Stiles, is she here?"


                    I nod my head in a yes motion. Deaton starts rapidly pacing while Derek and I just stare at him in confusion. "Deaton, what's going on here?" Deaton looked at Derek in a quick motion and said one word "Mates." Derek's eyes widen and turn to bright red while he spits out an angry yell. "Impossible!!! Stop spitting things that don't exist!!". Deaton shakes his head, "I know it sounds crazy, but you know what that means if it's true."

             Derek refuses to listen. "No way, it's just a silly child's tale. And you know that humans can't, hell nobody can have a mate." "That's why, don't you remember the story, "She walked with grace, two arms linked with her own, A true Alpha and a Scholar, both following her till the end, which is called forever."

              Ok I've had enough. "Will somebody please tell me what in the fuck is going on!!" I kinda yelled. I didn't mean to yell, it's just that I have no idea what's going on here. Mates, kids, story and eternity? I'm so lost. "Stiles go get the girl, we'll no for sure if you bring her in here." Still confused. "Confirm what and how is this going to be confirmed?"

                                 I asked, worried that they were gonna hurt my Ulani. " Well no for sure by the way Derek reacts to her. Just hurry up and bring her in." I just nodded and as I left the office I heard Derek yell "This is completely ridiculous Deaton, there is no way that this is real, this is pointless!!!!" I just rolled my eyes and walked to where I heard the most noise, which was the lobby.

                   I walked in and spotted an angry Scott, a smirking Issac, and an oblivious Ulani, not noticing the two boys who seemed to be fighting over her, because she was preoccupied with Seven. I just sighed at the sight, I walked over to Issac and Scott, pulling them over to another room closing the door. "What are you two dog breaths arguing about?" I spit out, annoyed out of my mind. Scott turns to me with his red eyes glowing brightly. "This mother fucker wont keep his hands off Ulani, and he's only doing it to piss me off!!."


                Issac quickly retaliated. "What does it even matter to you, she's fine with it, Sevens fine with it, I'm most definitely fine with it, and you have a GIRLFRIEND, both of you do. So I ask again, Why. Does. It. Matter." I deadpanned. Yeah that's the kind of shit that pisses me off.   


                  "Don't you think we fucking know that!! Do you think were fucking stupid, ok maybe Scott, but not me. Yes we have girlfriends, who we thought we loved but now that's not the case. All because of a new girl who made my heart fucking jump. I have desires that I didn't even know I was capable of, feelings I didn't even know existed and its all because of the fucking girl who is now mine." I said darkly, leaving them both with shocked looks on their faces. I walk to the bathroom to cool off before I take Ulani to Deaton. Fuck just what are you doing to me Ulani.


                        I look at Stiles back as he walks out with my mouth open in shock. "D-Did Stiles just tell me off while claiming Ulani at the same time." Issac says in an equal amount of shock. I nod still in shock but quickly snap out of it. "Everything he just said. It's all the same for me, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I just don't love Allison anymore. Ulani came crashing into our lives today, she introduced me to feelings I didn't feel with Alisson, I fell out of love today. And I can't help but feel happy. She's not just Stiles's but she's also mine, she's ours." With that said I go to walk out just to see Ulani in the doorway holding Seven's hand while looking at me with shock. "Oh your so fucked." Issac says, trying to hold back his laughter. I muttered "Yup". Can things get any worse.                

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