Chapter two

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It was nice meeting Scott and Stiles, maybe they'll want to be my friends. As I walked to my first class I can't help remembering the way they looked at me, I have never seen that look before. I usually get looks of disgust or hatred because of my size.

I have always hated my size because i know i'm fat and ugly but as long as Seven never looks at me like that i think i'll be ok. And you've probably already guessed, I have never had a boyfriend before.

I think it will stay that way for a long time. I mean who wants a fat girl with too much of everything on their body, people always say my eyes are too bright for my skin and to top it all off people like to judge the fact that i take care of my four year old brother, and i am absolutely not ashamed of that. I love that boy with my whole being and that will never change.

It's my first day of class and I'm already ready to go jump off a cliff. Why is school so boring!!! Ugh. I noticed a lot of people staring at me though, which is weird. So i ask the girl next to me who is also staring at me, "Um excuse me, But why are you and the rest of the class staring at me. Um do i have something on my face." That's when she seemed to snap out of it.

"Omg I'm sorry I didn't notice. Um well to put it simply, Your beautiful, like stunningly beautiful. Like I'm straight and have a boyfriend but i think i just fell in love with you at first sight." Ok that's when i start laughing my ass up. Then I look at her face and it's serious. "Oh wait, you're serious?" "Yes, well actually i think i'm the only one staring at you because of that, but i think the rest of the class is starring because, one it's been awhile since someone new came to class and two, because you were just talking to Scott Mchall and Stiles Stilensky."
I frowned "What's so wrong about talking to them." She looked at me like I was crazy. "Well they are both so cute and kinda popular and Scott is a total wiz at lacrosse." Well I certainly didn't expect that.

"Well they were only talking to me because I seemed lost." i said "That's not the only reason people are looking, well you see um, Stiles was pretty much quiet when talking to you." I looked at her weirdly, "So." "Stiles is never quet, like ever, he's actually always talking or rambling on about something and always asking questions." I gaped at that " Um maybe he just had a rough morning," But then she said something that really surprised me

"Hey do you wanna be my friend." I was too stunned to even talk. "Oh you don't, that's alright" "Wait Wait that's not it, I was just a little bit surprised that's all. But um I would like to be your friend if you're ok with me." I shied away as I kept my eyes on the flour. "Omg you are just the cutest. Yes of course i'm ok with you." But then I realized "Hey um i still don't know your name." " Oh sorry, I'm Allison, Allison Argent. Nice to meet you..." "Ulani" She smiled "Nice to meet you Ulani."

The bell rang and slumped in my seat relieved. But then i realized i had six more classes. "Hey can i read your Schedule." Allison said. "Sure" I gave her my schedule. She examined it and said "Other than this class there all a grade below me?" I looked up at her "Yea Im a sophomore actually, zbut i exceed in english so i took it a grade ahead." "Ugh that means we only have one class together dang it." I gently smiled at her. "Well at least we have lunch and break together right." She sighed then smiled back. "Yeah i guess your right." I giggled "Cmon walk me to my next class." She laughed "Lets get going NEW girl." I laughed. She stuck out her arm for me to take and i gladly took it. "Onward".

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