Chapter 3

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       I'm glad i asked Ulani to be my friend. Scott and Stiles seemed to have a good feeling about her and so do I.


     I'm heading to the lunch room and when I arrive I start looking for allison right off the bat. I see her right across the lunch room. So I quickly head over there and see Scott and Stiles along with two other girls and one other boy. I spot Allison on the other side of Scott holding his hand. I heard her yell "Ulani".
       Everybody at her table looked up. So I quickly walked sitting next to Allison. And I looked up to Scott and Stiles and they both looked at me with the same look as earlier. I said a quiet hi as Allison introduced me "Hey guys this is Ulani, Scott, Stiles you already met her this morning." They all said there hi while introducing themselves. "Nice to meet you I'm Lydia. This is Issac and Malia, Stiles' girlfriend.

      I smiled and gave a small wave "Hi im Ulani, as you can see im new." I said and giggled at the last part. I looked at Allison "You never told me that Scott is your boyfriend." She smiled "I wanted it to be a surprise." I looked over to Scott "It's nice to see you again. Are you and Stiles still planning on showing me around."
      Stiles and Scott looked at eachother with surprised looks on their faces. "Of course. That is if your ok with it." Scott said. "Of course silly." I giggled out. I looked back at them and saw the same look as earlier as they paused. I looked at them with confusion and Isacc seemed to also notice.

       I saw him looke at the boys then back at me with a surprised look then back at the boy and snapped them out of it "*Cough* *Cough* snap the fuck out of it *Cough* Cough*." He said under his breath, that seemed to unpause them. all though i couldn't hear what he said through all those coughs. "Are you ok, you're coughing a lot." I asked genuinely worried. He looked at me with almost the same look but something was different about this look then Scott and Stiles.

       Maybe it's a kind of different hate look, maybe in reality they didn't like me at all. I started making up all kinds of horrible thoughts in my head and almost started to tear up when Issac said "Hey are you ok" he sounded genuinely worried. I looked at him with teary eyes. He looked at me and said to the group.
      " Hey guys I'm stealing Ulani for myself so i can get to know her a little better.Bye" he said as he dragged me away from the group. I started to panic. Was he going to hurt me like the other boys at school did. We arrived at an empty hallway and that's when we stopped . And i really started to panic in my head.

      "Hey hey are you ok why were you crying over there. Are you hurt, did someone upset you cause i swear if someone did i will beat them the fuck up, or did i do something to upset you." He said that last part quietly.
      I looked at him surprised. That's when I realized this boy is going to be my best friend. " No it's just I saw you look at me with a look I've never gotten before, and I thought it was just another disgusted look."

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