the reunion?

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No one pov:

A lone UNSC Pelican loaded with weapons and one of its pilots pilot annoyed  how long it it taking Chase, Eight, the clone and jedi

Pilot?:[sighs annoyingly] what's taking so damn long!?

Pilot?2:[to pilot 1] Just calm Down they'll be here

Pilot?: am here waiting for those guys when I COULD'VE BEEN TAKING  BETS WITH THE GUYS!

Pilot²: [Sighs] you sure haven't change a bit over the 5 decades in the time we spent.

Pilot?:....I mean of course I wouldn't have, we all been in stasis. Now let's just get inside.

Pilot?2:[sighs] fine...but you still owe me for the last bet.


They both entered the pelican awaiting for their arrival

Location: Hallway

???: sooo where do we go? [A teen/men with brown ask]


???: not much of a talker are you

Rex: commander I frogot to inform you but he can't speak.

???: sorry

Chase: [nods]

???: um eight was it?

Eight: yeah and I assume you Rex's commanding officer.

???: yes am Anakin Skywalker. So where are we going?

Eight: in hanger bay 3 with a pelican awaiting for us.

Rex and Anakin [t]: a pelican?

*they walk down the halls until finally entering the hanger where one of the pilot sees them*

Pilot?:[*suprise*] Chase is that you and is that a......spartan!

Pilot?2: [*inside pelican*] wait did you say Chase is with a spartan?

Pilot?: yeah man it's him and he's with a spartan!

Rex: [*to Chase*] you know them?

Chase: [*nods*]

Eight: well let's get settled up.

Anakin: right.

As they walk Anakin emand Rex's eyes widen at the unknown Vessel

As they gawk, eight shouts to grab there attention with chase being behind her

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As they gawk, eight shouts to grab there attention with chase being behind her.

Eight: [shouts] quit gawking. Move. Double time!

Quickly rushing towards the pelican They enter, straping themselves to their seats thou Rex and Anakin didn't know how eight outta annoyance got out her seat and strap Rex and Anakin to their seats.

Eight: Pilot! Hit it!

pilot 1 and 2: on it sir.

Chase could only look towards the spartan and see the enraged expression on her face. only to die down when she sits down...

Anakin: If I can ask who are you?

Rex: I also been meaning to ask that.

Eight: [sighs] The captain only told who we fought....

Anakin: who did you fight?

Eight: as you may not know, we fought an advanced race or rather a faction made up multiple races that only had one goal and that was to wipe out humanity. They glassed plants  that had millions of people only for them to be nothing more then dust...

After she talked no one spoke a word as the air grew heavy until the pilot spoke...

Pilot: spartan where almost at the LZ. Opening main doors!

The doors open as the odst looks out with the rest but all he could he think was the destruction of New Mombasa.....and before that reach...

Getting up from their seats, Chase grabs a BR while Eight grabs an assault rifle from the weapons that where on board...

Finally reaching their destination they get off the pelican and await for the company they expect...

Chase [t]: [sighs] I hope I don't have to face a brute chieftain agai- [his thoughts where interrupted by a branch breaking]

Chase: [snaps fingers alerting the rest]

Quickly grabbing there respected weapons they await until finally something rush towards them.

Then in swift motion a native life form tackles chase while the rest tried to save him, more came

Chase: [struggling as the beast has it's grasp on his arm, useing his other arm he grabs the knife in its sheath and quickly unsheaths it as he stabs the creature]

The creature soon fell dead, Rex dispatch one with his pistols, eight guns down the other and Anakin scares off the beast

Eight: am starting to get annoyed by them.

Anakin: so am I.

Rex: [walks to chase] you alright kid.

Chase: [a slight nod as he grabs Rex hand and stands on his two feet]

Suddenly as they thought their where outta of the woods, suddenly more footsteps are heard incoming to their direction.

???: master [the mysterious ignites a similar glowing blade]

???: stand down [a trooper that wore the same armor as Rex but instead of blue it was yellow]

And along with them came a lemur creature?

To be continued

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