Prompt 4

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When the main character comes home for the evening their door is slightly ajar. Inside they meet a strange person who urgently tells them that they need to go right away.

A snippet of what I would do with this prompt:

The key;
"I'm glad I got to see you tonight." Dylan, my date of the evening said as I began to get out of his car.
"Yeah," I tucked some hair behind my ear, "I had fun." I gave him a small smile.
"Have a goodnight Laurel."
"You too." I closed the door and made my way inside my apartment building. I slid my pass card across the lock and made my way to the elevator, once inside I took off the heels that had been murdering my feet for the past three hours and fiddled with my necklace.
Dylan was nice enough, but I was still thinking about Henry. I sighed to myself knowing it wasn't fair to try and make things serious with Dylan while I was still hung up on my ex. He didn't deserve to be my rebound.
The elevator chimed and opened, I stepped off and made my way down the hall to my small one bedroom apartment. I fished my keys out of my purse and froze as I brought the key to the handle.
The door was slightly open, I was certain that I had closed and locked it when I left.
I scanned my brain trying to think of anyone who I had given a key, my mom. No she was ten or more hours away she wouldn't just show up without letting me know. Henry? No he made sure to give the key back... but maybe he made a copy? I shook my head, he's the one that ended things why on earth would he do something like that.
I sighed in relief when I remembered I had put in a service order that morning. It was probably just maintenance working on my broken heater.
I opened the door and shouted inside, "Um, hello? Is it maintenance that's in here?!" I took a few steps in.
Suddenly the door slammed shut behind me and locked, I couldn't help but scream in surprise. The lights flickered and suddenly a man was in front of me, causing me to scream again and before I knew it my hand was heading towards his face for a slap.
He caught it just an inch away from impact.
"Can you calm down please? I'm not here to hurt you." He said releasing my hand.
"Oh... I'm sorry are you maintenance?" I was dumbfounded by everything happening so fast and couldn't quite wrap my head around it.
The man chuckled and gestured to himself, "do I look like maintenance?"
No he didn't, his chestnut brown hair was perfectly styled to emphasize his features such as his jawline. I bit the inside of my cheek, why was my intruder handsome. I felt my cheeks begin to get warm and scolded myself. This man had broken into my apartment why on earth was I focusing on his looks?! He clothes did match his style perfectly though, a white shirt and a leather jacket with black skinny jeans and leather gloves and boots. His look was kind of on the nose cool guy, but he was attractive enough that it didn't matter.
"Do you normally stare at people this long Laurel?"
I hadn't given him my name, had I? No I hadn't even said anything about myself yet. "So if you're not maintenance then who are you and why are you in my apartment.
The man grabbed a butterscotch from the bowl I kept on my coffee table. "Good question," he popped it in his mouth, "Name's Drake, and I've been assigned as your new guardian." He held up a finger as if to pause, as he pulled out a phone from his pocket and checked something, "Mhm, and as your guardian I've come to retrieve you." He gave a smile as he put his phone back into his pocket.
"Im sorry but I'm twenty four, I haven't needed a legal guardian for a while now."
He laughed again, "oh trust me I'm much more important than that kind of guardian."
He began walking towards me, "now I know it's a lot to take in, it was for me too, though I was younger."
He placed a hand on my shoulder, "You Laurel are one of the keys that we need to save the world. There's something special inside of you," he poked me in the forehead, "and if we don't use it to save the world, then someone else is going to use it to end it."
"You're crazy." I said reaching for my purse where my phone was to call the cops, except my purse was gone.
"Sorry, if you do something rash right now then we're in for a load of trouble. Now your birthday is in three days right?"
"How do you know that." I clenched my fist my voice beginning to tremble.
"I told you you're important, now on your birthday that something inside you is going to begin to blossom, and when that happens you will become a beacon. And more likely a beacon that attracts trouble."
He tossed me some clothes that were sitting on  a chair a bit behind him.
"Now please go change, and then we can go." He gestured to my pencil skirt dress, "because I don't think you'll want to be traveling in that thing."
"I'm not doing anything or going anywhere with you." I then proceeded to scream at the top of my lungs.
Drake slapped his hand over my mouth, "are you an idiot?! I'm not the only one who's been looking for you!" As he finished his sentence a gun shot went off and he fell to the ground with a yell. I saw his pant leg begin to darken with blood and looked towards the sound of the shot, it came from my open window.

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