Prompt 1

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I stared at the barren waste land the silence was chilling and even still I thought I heard voices screaming out.

A snippet of what I would do with this prompt:

Left behind;
I opened the hatch, the glaring sunlight made me momentarily blind, as well as frustrated. How many days had it been since I made my way back to the surface 2...4? No more than 6 probably...
I hated my life here, I hated this place and the memories that haunted me as I stared at the barren waste land. The silence was chilling and even still I thought I heard the voices screaming out. I could almost feel the ground shake from the explosions and I definitely could still smell the blood.
They may have taken the bodies but there was little one could do about the stains they left in the earth.
I shook my head to clear the disturbing memories from my mind and focus on what I needed to do; survive.
I pulled my scarf around my nose and mouth, mostly to block out the smell, but partially because I felt that it made me look cooler.
I pulled out my Stop Watch, the device that told me how many days until the next rescue shuttle would arrive again. I sighed, two months pretty much to the day... I kicked a rock into a nearby can in frustration. I always thought that if an apocalypse like you saw in the movies were to happen that it would play out just like they show. The strong and cunning are the ones to survive, those with a good purpose and drive. But no, of course even during an apocalypse those with connections, money, and power were prioritized, flown off the planet within the first couple of months. The first ten shuttles came within one week exactly of each other and now they were becoming less and less frequent.
I tossed my Stop Watch further away into the field. I didn't care anymore about getting on those stupid shuttles, after being turned away ten times you start to panic, twenty you get angry, thirty you begin to give up, forty you get a little hope that maybe this time they'll let you on, last week was fifty and I wasn't going to wait any longer.
Those people decided that after the catastrophe struck that the world was too dangerous to live in, but if they'd rather leave me here, fine. I'll stay. I'll rule this forsaken world, no, I'll liberate those who, like me, they never planned to save, those who are left behind.

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