The Savage Play!!!

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'Guys it's not so good idea.' Karla said. 'Mia come back here.' Claus said. 'Karla, Claus stop being so dramatic and come on.' Mia said. 'Mia we should go back, I don't like this idea anymore.' Karla said. 'Karla, you and Claus said you were in so come on.' Mia said. Karla finally pulled up her socks and went inside with them.

So your wondering what three teenagers are doing at a creepy museum, well the thing is there are rumors going around about people disappearing and the last place they have bin seen at was this creepy museum, and we want to see if it is true.

Back to reality, so we went inside and you won't believe what we saw, it's like reliving every Horror movie. In every cubert and glass holder there is a suit from a horror movie or dolls from a horror movie. Karla walked past a cubert with Chucky in it and it felt so weird, because it felt like it was watching her. Karla didn't even bother to look around. 'We should split up and look around.' Mia said. 'Are you crazy or something this place creeps me out.' Claus said. 'Mia, Claus is right this place does give me the creeps and it keeps on feeling like someone or something is watching me.' Karla said. 'Guys come on if we split up we can cover more ground.' Mia said. 'Ok Mia we can split up, but because this place gives me and Claus the creeps we are gonna stick togehter.' Karla said. 'Ok fine.' Mia said.

They split up and went there differnet ways.

Karla and Claus was busy looking through the hall full of horror costumes and Mia went through the hall full of scary looking dolls.

The thing they didn't know was some of the dolls and costumes comes to live. While Karla and Claus were looking around they heard something fall. 'Karla I think we should go check it out.' Claus said. 'What no lets just keep looking, it was probably just a cat or something.' Karla said. 'Really Karla a cat, how more blond can you-......Aghhhhhhh!!!'

'Karla run!!!' Claus shouted. Karla was in to much shock to know what was going on that she froze.

When Karla came back to reality she saw no one except for Claus on the flour with blood around him. She thought he was messing with her until she heard Mia scream.

Karla ran to Mia to see what she was screaming about until she turned the corner and saw a doll on top of Mia with a kitchen knife in its hand.

Mia saw Karla standing in the door way and screamed for her to help her, but Karla didn't move a muscles. 'Karla please help me.' Mia begged.

Karla came back to reality and stepped closer to Mia. The doll moved off of Mia and helled out the kitchen to Karla. The doll said: 'Karla it's know or never.' Mia was confused until everything made sense to her. 'Karla why, why are you doing this, why are you doing this to us we were your friends.'

'Mia, Mia, Mia you really don't remember do you.' Karla said. 'Remember the night I called you telling you my boyfriend was cheating on me, turns out he was cheating on me with you, Claus-...' Mia interrupt Karla. 'You wont get away with this Karla.' Karla just laughed. ' Ohhh sweety I already have.' And thats when Karla slice Mia's neck and stabbed her heart.

After all the drama was done the doll said: ' Welldone Karla.' Karla just turned around and said: 'Chucky I wouldn't have been able to do it without you and Ghostface help.'

Ghostface joined them and Karla look at both of them and give them both an evil smirk and said: ' But the fun has only begun know, we still have a lot to do.' And Karla started to laught her evil laught while Chucky and Ghostface started to join her in her laught.

As they laught the thunder and lightning started to boom and the wind started to blow crazy. And Karla knew it was time to get the next victims.

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