A cry in the dark!!!

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The time has come! We are going on a camping trip with the school. Where we are going to camp, we don't know. we just have just have to wait and see.

It felt like forever before we got off the bus. We took our bags and went to the cabin rooms. We were camping in the woods in the mountains in the middle of no where. 

There was no phone signal, nothing. It was time for supper. They went through the rules. Well the only rules were we may not go out of the rooms after bed time. And if we went on hikes we may not leave the group.

Well who cares? I like to break rules, trouble is my little name. After bed time I thought it was time to explore the grounds of the camp.

But let me tell you one thing, it was scary as hell out there! The only light I had was from the full moon. I forgot my flashlight at home, simple I know.

When I was deep in the woods I heard something. It sounded like someone was weeping. I thought it was beter to go back but I wanted to find out who was weeping.

I walked toward the direction of the weeping, I found nothing, no one was there. I heard it a cry in the dark. Not any cry, but a cry of horror.

I was so frightend my hair on the back of my neck stood up. I heard the cry again and I ran so fast. My own feet were hurting. By the time I got back to camp everyone was laying dead on the floor. I was scared out of my mind.

Then I heard something behind me and just as I turned around the shadow over took me.

I woke up in a cold swet and realize it's morning. But mean while it's the morning before the camping trip. I just told my parents that I wanna stay at home were I feel save and sound, and were I can sleep in my own warm bed.

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