3-Road Trips, Lightning Storms, Hiccup Might Kill Us All

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A/N: I'm actually re-watching the first how to train your dragon movie as I write this chapter. Also, so Pitch Black's Nightmare's are monsters in this, like Greek Mythology. Also Hiccup is extremely powerful, just telling you now. I also changed the age he was when he met Toothless for my own reasons.


"That's a long story."

"Well, we have time." It felt like the temperature in the car dropped. Outside Rapunzel could see the storm clouds gathering, turning the already grey sky three shades darker. Hiccups knuckles had gone white on the steering wheel.

"I believe, that's a story for another time." His voice was tight, and his eyes were trained ahead, as if he couldn't bear to look back at us. Astrid rested her hand on his leg. It was definitely getting darker outside, and Rapunzel swore she heard the boom of thunder.

"Why? We've got a lot of time now. It can't be that bad," Jack complained.

That's it. Rapunzel knew she heard thunder and saw a flash of lightning. "Hiccup," Astrid muttered warningly, her hand tightening on his leg. 

"Wait... Outside. The lightning's you!" Rapunzel had connected the dots in her head, and exclaimed at the same time as Merida.

"Yes. That's me. My dad's Zeus, and can we please stop talking about the event that almost got me, Astrid and Toothless almost killed."

Rapunzel had so many more questions but she could tell Hiccup was keeping himself on a tight leash that could break at any second. So she only asked one, "how long have you known you were a demigod?"

Hiccup sighed. "I properly found out when I was thirteen, but I got a lot of hints beforehand."

 "And, anyway, if you want to know about the story with Hiccup, you'll probably find out at camp. It's a favourite story for new campers, and a good way to scare them. The older campers like to tell it," Astrid interjected, trying to ease the tension.

"Oh, okay. I have another question. Are we going to get to go back? None of us have our things except our school bags, and that was our home." Rapunzel thought Merida had a point.

"Yes. But not now. Monsters might still be around," Astrid explained. She kept glancing at Hiccup, whose gaze was still icy and frozen ahead. His jaw was tight and he was still gripping the steering wheel like it was the only thing keeping him here.

After that, the group fell back into uneasy silence. As Rapunzel sat there, alone with her thoughts, she felt something move against her chest. Pascal. She'd forgotten he was here. She smiled softly before leaning her head against the window. She was tired, no doubt about it, and she soon drifted off to sleep.

Rapunzel was woken up by a loud noise. A dull banging noise. She opened bleary eyes to find she was surrounded by trees. Her arm was looped around someone's neck, and ahead she could see Hiccup's flaming sword held aloft. She glanced up to see Jack half carrying, half dragging her. "Finally," he grimaced, "you're awake."

She shook her head, mind working slowly before pulling away from him. She stood, slightly shakily, following the others. "Where are we?" She whispered to Jack, "and why didn't you wake me up?"

"We tried to wake you up, but you were out of it. And we're in the woods on Long Island. Apparently the entrance to camp is here somewhere, and we can't drive in because it's too suspicious."

Rapunzel sighed. Her head was sore, she assumed Jack may or may not have hit her head a few times, and she still wasn't completely steady. They kept moving through the words, until suddenly Hiccup froze. "Why are we stopping?" Merida called out.

"Shush," Astrid hissed, "trust him."

Hiccup was still standing in front of them, studying the trees. It was getting dark, and Rapunzel could barely see two feet in front of her. He lifted the hand that wasn't holding the sword. And he stood there for a few seconds, and then there was flash of lightning and the trees were illuminated.

Monsters. That's the first word Rapunzel could think of. They were made from black dust and resembled horses. There were about five of them, and the seemed to hover in the branches of trees. They fit in perfectly with the night and Rapunzel had no idea how Hiccup knew they were there. He groaned. "Nightmares."

Astrid reached for her wrist. She had a bracelet with a magnetic connector, and Rapunzel had always wondered why she always wore it. Now she knew. It transformed into a double bladed battle axe. Rapunzel recoiled in shock as the horses, Nightmares as Hiccup had called them, dived. They shot down faster than Rapunzel could comprehend. Hiccup and Astrid leaped into action, slashing and deflecting the creatures. They killed ruthlessly, until only one remained. It had stopped, and Hiccup but a hand in front of Astrid to stop her from killing it.

"Pitch, I know you're watching. If your Nightmares are here, you're back. So, where are you? And if you dare come back and hurt us again, I swear to the gods I will come after you. You already cost me so many friends, and my leg. So don't come back if you value your life." And then he slashed the monster and it disappeared.

Rapunzel was confused. Who was Pitch? Why was he the reason Hiccup lost his leg? What had happened?

"Hiccup, how did you know they were there?" Jack asked, "they perfectly match the dark!"

Hiccup closed his eyes for a second before pulling down the collar of his shirt. He revealed the top of a large, pale scar that started at the top of his collar bone and descended diagonally under his shirt. 

"Pitch Black gave me this. With his scythe. It was horrible, the worst pain I've ever felt, like a little part of my soul was being ripped away. I was dying, bleeding out. And then, there was a flash. And then Toothless was there. Nightfury saliva is healing. And then we... We killed him, or so I thought. If those Nightmares are here, he's back." His voice turned sharp and angry as he pulled the collar of his shirt back into place, before continuing , "I can feel them. When they're nearby I can feel it. So, he almost killed me but he actually gave me a gift," that came with a dark chuckle. "And if he's back, we're all in danger."

He sighed and the anger faded from his eyes. "Come on, let's get you to camp."

They continued our walk through the dark woods, until suddenly the group broke through the tree line. An archway arched overhead, with words written in a different language. Somehow, Rapunzel's brain instantly translated it. "Camp Half-Blood," I breathed.

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