Part 6: Blood

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I woke up taking a big breath and sitting up. I was in a dark forest the moon high up in the sky. What am I doing here? I listened to my surroundings only to be startled by a strong yet sad howl. It sounded familiar, who's howl is that?

I stood up and started running in the direction the howl came from. It wasn't untill I heard the howl again that I realised who's howl it was, my father's. As I ran thought the forest I got a deja vu moment. I had been here before. This is my territory.


I'm linked with Jonathan and this is a vision I had. I continued running toward where I knew my father was. After a few minutes I found my father standing in front of me. How I wished I could talk to him. Father, mother I miss you so much.

I was lost in my memories when I got tackled to the ground. A hand came on my neck and another hand held my wrists together above my head. I knew immediatly who it was because there was only one person who could see me or touch me.


I looked in his eyes about to scold him for attacking me when I realised he probably thought I was about to attack his alpha. As long as he doesn't remember he'll see me as an unknown wolf. He bared his teeth at me and growled.

“Rogue, you should've known better than to set foot in Cyadon territory. State your bussines before High alpha Marcus Quin.” He snarled at my face.

I growled back at him and this went on for about a minute before he noticed his alpha hadn't responded to him. He tightened his hand around my neck making it difficult for me to breath.

“Alpha? What do I do with the rogue?” He asked but Marcus didn't respond, the scene I had seen was only starting to unfold before us. My father crying and begging for his lost daughter. The moon was about to shine down upon him and I had little time to get Jonathan back to me.

“Alpha Marcus? Wha-” I felt his grip on my neck lessen and I cut him off before he could call at the mirage even more.

“Jonathan Hall, I am Yemaya Quin, I am the only daughter of Marcus and Orianna Quin. I am your alpha as we are linked together. This isn't real, come back to me, remember who I am and who I am to you.”

He looked shocked at me, suprised and stunned. He frowned and let go of my neck. He looked at me in utter confusion. His mouth opened as if to say somthing but he got distracted as the light of the moon was shining down on my father.

The moment the angel appeared he jumped of off me and looked astounished.

“Wha- Maya what the hell is this?” He looked at me and I saw he remembered who he was.

I sat up and rubbed my soar throat and neck. “This is what I saw John, when we get back I'll need you to tell me everything. No more secrets about my father and no more secrets about myself. Just watch and listen.”

When the angel dissappeared and the baby started crying John looked as if he was about to break down.

“We all thought Marcus had gone insane when he told us about this...” He began but I knew we would be in another forest soon enough.

“Not now John. Take my hand, soon we'll see my death.” The moment I had grabbed hold of his hand the world around us shifted and morfed into the forest where I saw myself die.

Jonathan groaned at the sudden light but he quickly stared at the naked woman infront of us.

“Maya...” His mouth was open in shock and wonder. “I- Is this you?” He turned to look at me and I nobbed. I knew it would go fast so I quickly pointed out to him to watch what happens.

It didn't take long, the dark ball, my body being thrown around and all to soon Lucas and the two beautiful strangers appeared.

“John? Are you okay?” I asked him trying to get his attention.

“Yea... Actually, no. No i'm not okay Maya I just saw you die! I saw you die and the first to be by your side was a bloodsucker. In daylight none the less.” He rambled as the image around us stood still.

I have to be honest, my brain didn't fully process it untill a few seconds had passed.

“Wait what?! Bloodsuckers? What are you talking about?” I stood infront of him and shook him. “Anwser me!” I commanded him. I had no other choice.

“Those two... things, they are vampires Yemaya, bloodsuckers, old ones. They're bad news. Vampires and wolfs, including werewolfs are born enemies. We do not work together. And yet here before me I am to believe you were in battle with, somthing unknown and you died. Than a fucking vampire was there? This just simply doesn't add up.”

“I know John, that's why I had to show you this, you wouldn't have believed me if I hadn't shown you.” He nobbed and than we both sighed.

“It's time we woke up John.” I said while I gave him a weak smile. “It'll be better if we talked about this while we're awake. It's bad for us to stay here any lo-” I choked and coughed.

“Maya! Maya what's wrong?” John shouted at me. I looked up to his now in blood covered shirt. I swallowed and tasted blood, my blood. I took in a sharp breath as I clutched my side in pain. My shirt colored crimson.

“John?” My voice not louder than a whisper as I fell down but John held me close.

“Maya wake us up! Wake us up, somthing is happening to our bodies.” I looked up to him through clouded eyes I saw a trail off blood run down from the side of his head.

Somthing was defanitly wrong. This has never happened before. Is somthing really happening to our bodies? But that is impossable, we're in my office and I was sure I had locked the door.

I struggled to get the words out as I was getting weaker by the second. “Our journey has come” I coughed up more blood. “to an end. I have shown you what I needed to.” I swallowed hard and I started to feel light headed.

“C'mon Maya, please! Please Maya stay with me.” John begged me and shook me so I would stay awake.

“I release you, and end our link.” I whispered the last part before everything faded.

I heard growling and shouting. Someone was shouting my name, but I never got to awnser it.

I was consumed by the pain in my side and I was pulled away into darkness as the voices around me faded away.

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