Episode 5- I gave up EMOTIONS a long time ago

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Amaris has changed for the worst since her father got injured, she hasn't been home for a while. Her mother is never around as often as she is off killing lost souls. Amaris herself seems to be a lost cause.


"What is the sense of life? We are born and soon we die," I unknowingly allowed my mind to wonder, "Life is worthless in the end we can't escape death. Not even I, the mistress of Death itself, am able to escape it. Life also gives birth to emotions and all emotions to lead to pain. It is better is one simply lived without them."


 The first shot went off, the bullet going as quickly as it came. There was now a pool of blood surrounding the girl's body. I sighed and watched the scene quietly. I needed this girl's soul in the next three minutes. Tha-



 The hooded man stood smirking over her body. He picked up her wallet and ran off. The coward. Humans never fail to surprise me. Every time I think that they can't get any lower; they go and prove me wrong.

 "Your kind really disgust me Tavor," I sneered. "The things that humans do always leave me wondering."

 "Well Amaris, we're not all bad."

 I sneered and rolled my eyes. Not all humans are bad, please! That's like saying that my hair smells like roses. The girl lay there lifeless; her blood flowed in the gutters instead of water. Poor thing never got a chance to live her life. All because some idiot decided that he wanted her money.

 Humans disgust me.

 I shot myself to the girl's body while Tavor lingered on the roof. Ever since Father got sick I've become what Tavor calls The Death Demoness. Normally I'll be slightly offended by such comments but quite frankly these days I don’t care.

 I quickly and quietly reaped the girl's soul, not bothering to care if I damage it in the process.

 "AMARIS," Tavor shouted, desperation knitted tightly between each word, "you'll damage the soul. I get that you're all Death Demoness and stuff, but be gentle please."

 "Are you foolishly telling me how to do my own job Tavor? Last I checked I knew exactly what I was doing." The coldness of my tone froze the air around me.

 I glared at Tavor's floating form. I could tell that my word cut deep but caring went out the window a long time ago. I opened my wings and shot into the air, leaving Tavor behind. I've become so merciless and cold-hearted that not even flying could melt my frozen heart.

 "Amaris, wait!"  Tavor's voice entered my mind.

 "No Tavor I'm NOT waiting; you're just going to have to catch up to me."

 "Amaris, you're breaking your promise. You said you'll never leave me alone and that you'll never treat me bad."

 "Well Tavor. . . promises are meant to be broken."

 A small piece of me died as I uttered the words and blocked Tavor from my mind. This wasn't me; I’d never hurt him like that . . . he meant too much to me. I couldn't bring myself to accept what I've become. I wanted to tell Tavor sorry but my cold, ruthless self could not do it; to apologize was out of the question.

 I pushed the gentle me out of my mind. She was a hindrance and was not going to help in the situation at hand. If I wanted to be able to help my father, I needed to be able to do this job without any emotion preventing me from exercising my true power.

 I decided against my better judgment to rest myself on a tree I spotted near by. I looked at the birds as they flew by. So happy. So carefree. Who gave them that right, the right to go on living happily while I suffered in the darkness by myself?

 I hoped that each and every one of them died a painful and long death, that way they'll learn not to be happy while I rotted in despair.

 "How did I know that I'll find you here?" I rolled my eyes as an annoying voice spoke behind me.

 "What the hell are you doing here Talus? Your kind is not wanted here." I kept my voice as flat as possible.

 "My kind? Mar, what on earth are you taking about?"

 You dare ask me what I mean by your kind?" I didn't even try to hide the sneer. "Well imbecile, I mean you fools who bring happiness to the world. You give life; I take it away. You create happiness for this worthless world; I give it everlasting pain."

 "Tavor was right . . . you have become cold-hearted. Where's the girl who even when her job asked for the hardest thing, made sure to do her best with a smile on her face?"

 "She died a long time ago."

 Talus's white wings surrounded me and he placed himself next to me. Like I even wanted him there. I looked at the fool. Was he really retarded enough to touch me when I was this state? Imbeciles, the lot of them, humans and supernaturals alike. Both seem to want nothing but pain and suffering.

 "Mar, you're my bestest friend. I have not one clue what my life would have been without you. You out of all of us have the hardest and the most heartless job, yet all this time you did everything with a smile. Even when you were emotionally dam-"

 "Don't use that word around me," I injected.

 "What word?"

 "Emotion.” I shot daggers at him with my eyes.  "That word represents pain . . . all emotions lead to pain. The only way to survive in the world is to become merciless. I told you the Amaris you knew before died."

 Talus's eyes opened widely. I think the shock was too much for him to handle but it didn't matter. I stood up and was about to take off when he grabbed my hand.

 "Amaris, Mom just to tell you that your dad might make it." His eyes were filled with the disgusting emotion hope as he spoke the next words, "And I don't think that my friend has died; in fact I believe she's in there somewhere resting."

 "Well you’re a damn fool if you believe she's alive, Talus! And I don't care about my father. If he lives or dies is no longer my problem. I told you, I gave up on emotions a long time ago."

 I shot off, leaving a speechless Talus behind me.


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