Bakugo x reader bpt0.1

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Bonus pt. 0.1 

Katsuki (p.o.v)

'I cant believe that dumbass beat me. How??' Katsuki thought to himself as he sat from the ground in the gym.

You had whooped his ass because you were very pumped to battle that day. It so happens that your frustrations was at its peak, and it gave you the extra drive to give Katsuki his own wrath. You had K.O him and stomped back to your room, leaving him a water bottle near him for when he woke up. So, we are here with Katsuki, waking up from his forced sleep.

'She did seem more aggressive then normal as if she was pissed. Damn.' He reasoned with himself as he saw the water bottle beside him and decided to take it to drink.

Begrudgingly he did his cool off stretches before dragging himself back to the dorm, making it out of the baths before 8 so that he could have 30 minutes to himself before his self-appointed bedtime. All the while thinking of what you used to fight to achieve (learn) from you.

'I swear tomorrow I'm going to kick her ass.' with that last thought, he went to sleep dreaming of how he was going to beat you at tomorrows sparring training session.

The next day arose, waking up Katsuki to face his day like a champ. The same champ who vowed to beat you today to regain his honour. He would glare holes at you during lunchtime, as you happily ate with the bakusquad and in class, whenever your voice was heard laughing with mina.

"Hey dude what did y/n do to you?" Kaminari asked blocking Katsuki's view of you

"Piss off" Katsuki mumbled

"Your that mad at her huh?" Kirishima asked as well sensing Bakugo's twisted aura of fury

"gggrrr" Katsuki growled not denying

"Oooo the Pomeranian is about to explode" Sero jabbed getting ready to run

"gggrrRRR GET BACK HERE!" Katsuki stood from his chair propelling sparks in his hands and running after the boys around his table.

After school Katsuki was so pissed and ready to beat your ass, he arrived early in the gym to start getting ready to kill a whole herd of bulls. He was ready to get his victory back.

somehow the squad guessed what got him in a mood and teased him the whole day with no regrets. Thus, he blasted them, not only for himself but he was going to beat you to shut them up. so here was Katsuki on the gym floor crossed legged, glaring at the gym doors for you to come out 1 hour later... 2 hours later ...


"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!" Katsuki shouted in the gym getting up from his cross-legged sitting point. It had been 2 hours and you still hadn't shown up. Katsuki was beyond livid that, you couldn't see his pupils in his eyes and his teeth were making noise from grinding together. Yet he became quiet in pure wrath. Stomping on the ground, making sure they each vibrated as he made his way to your dorm.

'HOW DARE THE DUMBASS MISS TRAINING WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING. WHAT THE HELL! DOES SHE HAVE A DEATH WISH! THIS BITCH I'M GOING TO KILL HER WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HER!' he cursed, nearing your dorm room, increasing in anger each time he made a step. When he got to your room, he didn't have the state of mind to use knocking protocols and like he owned the place, he slammed your door open shouting

"WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU IN THE GYM! YOUR 1 HOUR LA-." Katsuki motherfucking Bakugo barged in your room but stopped him self as he saw the scene in front of him. Instead of a startled surprised y/n to see him. Katsuki walked into you on your back, that was arching upwards, with your legs spread apart and bare with no clothing covering them. As he looked closer, he saw your two fingers moving vigorously while a loud moan echoed out your mouth ...

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