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Next morning:

Taehyung slammed the door of his locker. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and started to walk away. Many of the students, both boys and girls waved at him and greeted ,'Good morning'.

But, he just ignored them and continued to walk toward the canteen. He searched around the whole area for one specific person.

"Hey Tae! Here!!" He heard a loud yell from the other side.

He turned to see his best friend Mark waving at him. Yup, this is the person, he was looking for. The latter sitting at their usual spot. He headed straight toward the table. Dropping his bag right next to him, he plopped on the chair.

"Yo, man. Wassup? No hi, hello. No bro hugs." Mark frowned.

"Hey Mark. Hi." He lazily replied and looked away.

"Tae. Are you okay? You look like you didn't sleep last night." Mark asked leaning forward on the table.

"I'm okay." He muttered still looking away.

"But, you don't look like you're okay. Tell me what happened to you?" He asked sternly.

"Park Jimin happened to me!" He growled lowly through his clenched jaw as he leaned forward on the table as well.

"Well, fuck. What did he do this time?"

"Don't act so dumb, Mark. Just check your fucking Insta feed." He scoffed retreating back.

Mark squinted his eyes on him before taking his phone out of his pocket. 'Shit' He cursed under his breath, checking Jimin's recent posts.

"I-...I don't actually know what to say. I-I mean I'm sorry-..." Mark tried to comfort but the taller just cut him off.

"Just don't say anything. I know. I was a fucking fool. He never liked me. He never wanted me. But, I still continued to believe that I could win his heart." He tried to hide the sadness in his voice.

"Tae... It's okay, bro. You don't deserve him. Just forget about him." Mark empathized. He knew how much Taehyung was hurting.

"No, I can't!! And I won't! Do you know why is he doing this, Mark? He is trying to make me jealous!" Taehyung clenched his fists.

"Jealous?" Mark asked confused.

"Yes. He wants me to get jealous of that Jeon guy. That he can have Jimin but I can't. That he can go out with him but not me. That he can call Jimin his but I can't. It all their plan!" He slammed his fists on the table.

"Guess their plan is working." Mark crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair.

"What else am I supposed to do?! Tell me, Mark. I can't think straight. I don't know what to do? I think I'm going insane!" He held his head in his hands.

"Why don't you do the same thing?" Mark suggested.

"What?" He lifted his head up.

"You should do the same thing. Just date someone else." He insisted.

"What the fuck are you saying? I love Jimin. I can't date anyone else."

Mark rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Who asked you to actually date someone? If they can plan to date for making you jealous, what is wrong in doing same? Think about it."

Taehyung thought about what his best friend told him. It did made sense. If Jimin can try to make him jealous, he can make him jealous as well.

"Actually...you are right, Markie. I can make him jealous!" He agreed.

Snowflake ❄️ (K.TH & M.YG)Where stories live. Discover now