❄️ 13 ❄️

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Yoongi and Dahyun were heading toward the class. Both best friends were walking side by side and were talking about anything here and there. Well, Dahyun was doing the most talk and Yoongi was listening to her.

The boy was paying attention to what she was saying but his mind kept on repeating the events of last night. The date with Taehyung and the... kiss. At the thought of the kiss, his face burnt crimson and he couldn't help the shy grin that spread on his face.

Dahyun glanced at him and stopped talking immediately. She narrowed her eyes at him. She had never seen Yoongi like this, looking so giddy and smiling ear to ear to himself. Since morning, he has been acting strangely. He had been looking a little distracted and a bit smiley in contrast to how gloomy he seemed yesterday.

And frankly, it was adorable.

"Hey!" She squeaked and nudged him with her shoulder.

Yoongi stumbled on his step making them both giggle. He quickly pushed himself up and nudged her back while muttering back a "Hey..."

"What's up, Yoonie? What's gotten you smiling like that, mhm?" She wiggled her brows at him.

"Nothing. I'm not smiling." He lied and tried to hide his smile.

"Oh come, Yoongi. I can see your face burning red. You're such a terrible liar. Now tell me what's going on, huh?" She insisted.

The smile appeared on his lips once again and his face burnt red as he began speaking. "Last night, Taehyung and I went on a date and he kissed me."

She stopped in her tracks and clasped a hand on her mouth. Her shock lasted for a few seconds before she exclaimed. "Ohh my god! You guys did what?!"

"Don't yell it out like that!" He whined and shoved her aside. His whole face burning in embarrassment.

"Oh. Sorry." She smiled sheepishly. "But actually, what the heck? How did that happen? Where did you guys go for your date? Agh- I need all the details!" She was practically vibrating with excitement.

Yoongi glanced at his wristwatch. "Let's go to the class, right now. I'll tell you everything in detail later."

Dahyun pouted but then agreed as they both headed toward the class.


"....and then, he asked me 'can I kiss you, Yoonie?' and I said 'yes.' and then, he kissed me under the moonlight. And he even walked me to the door later."

"Oh my god! That is so cute!"

"I know, right." Yoongi grinned shyly and finished the last bite of his toast. The school ended an hour ago and they were sitting in their favourite café to have lunch.

"Your date sounds totally out of the sappy romantic novels we read at the library, Yoongi. You know? 'The magical kisses under the moonlight' and 'The gentleman walking you home after the date'. So cheesy!" She giggled and took a bite from her sandwich.

"Gosh, stop already." Yoongi rubbed his face with his hands, trying to hide the blush that threatened to rise in his cheeks, before he stole a handful of her fries.

"Hey! That's mine!" She snatched the fries away from the table.

Yoongi just stuck his tongue out at her and munched on his fries. She rolled her eyes at him before digging into her sandwich again.

"No seriously, Yoonie." She started again. "You two are like those cheesy couples in the book. One day they date and the next thing you know is them getting married a couple of chapters later!" Then, she gasped dramatically. "Imagine you and Taehyung getting married!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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