❄️ 7 ❄️

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Monday morning:

Yoongi stared at himself in the mirror one last time. Satisfied with his look, he moved to pick up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He slipped into his shoes and left the dorm before locking the door.

Like every other morning, he greeted the guard at the door of the building and bowed. As he crossed the road, he noticed some of his classmates walking on the way to school as well. It was usual, right. He sees a few of his classmates on his way everyday.

However, today they were staring at him. They stare everyday. Everyone at the school does. But today, that was a different kind of stare and he felt uncomfortable. Usually, he ignored all the stares but today it was getting difficult. He slipped his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie and walked hurriedly.

He sighed when the school gate finally came in sight. He walked past the gate to the inside of the building quickly— but that didn't help either. More heads turned to his direction. Students stared at him in awe and began whispering into each other's ear.

Yoongi ducked his head down and headed to his locker. Punching in the code, he took out some books and was almost ready to dash away when he heard: "Hey Babe!"

His eyes widened as he recognised the familiar voice. The deep and rich voice that belonged to none other than his now fake boyfriend. His cheeks heated up as he whipped his head around. And there he was. Kim Taehyung walking toward him, looking handsome as ever.

The older approached him with a big boxy grin stretched on his lips. "Hey babe." He smothered again and pecked his cheek. Just a slight brush of lips against his cheek and he pulled back with a proud smirk. They heard a couple of gasps and a few barely audible 'aww's.

Yoongi felt the heat reaching up to the tips of his ears. He just stood there for a while, his cheeks turning a dark shade of pink. "H-hi..." He finally managed to whisper.

"How are you?" Taehyung asked him again.

"G-good..." Yoongi stuttered again. He clutched his notes against his chest. The taller was staring intently at him, making him feel small under his gaze.

And then Tae leaned near his ear, making his heart thumping in his ribcage. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. But it's kind of necessary for, you know." He said.

"It's okay." Yoongi breathed.

"Mhm." Taehyung straightened up, clearly satisfied. "I wanted to say that I want you to join me for lunch. Well, of course if you want to. It's up to you. But, I'd really like it if you do." He asked. His eyes were full of hope.

"I..." The smaller stammered and licked his dry lips. "Uh, I usually eat with my best friend..." Tae gave him the best puppy eyes he could muster up as he struggled to find the next words. "...but, I can tell her that I'm eating with you today." 

"Perfect!" Taehyung smiled widely and Yoongi's heart melted at that. "Okay then. I'll let you go to your class now. I'll see you at lunch. Bye, Cutie!" The older pinched his cheek and walked away with a wink.

Yoongi stood there for a whole minute, blinking slowly. What just happened...? When he snapped back, he found himself still standing in the middle of the hallway. His pale face turned red in embarrassment as he finally slammed his locker shut and hurried to his classroom.

Just as he made it to his classroom, the first bell rang. Of course, his classmates were staring at him as well. Ignoring them, he went to his seat and waited for his best friend to come. Praying that she hurries up and saves him from stares.


Lunch time:

"Ready to go to our spot, Yoon? I brought pasta today. Your favourite one." Dahyun chirped, holding up her lunch bag.

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