❄️ 9 ❄️

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A few days later:

The last bell rang and Yoongi sighed softly as he dropped his pencil and began gathering his notes. He didn't have any class the next day except for a single Maths test. So, he was in the library preparing for his test.

It's not like he was bad at Maths. Yoongi was a smart and intelligent student. He just didn't like math since, according to him, it required a lot of energy to do math and Yoongi doesn't like wasting his energy on some stupid numbers and symbols.

Slinging his bag on his shoulder, he clutched his binders close to his chest and walked out of the building. He was planning on taking a nap first. Then, he'll eat something maybe and after that he would practice the equations one more time.

He was walking along the path toward the gate when someone accidentally bumped into him. He got startled and almost dropped his binders. "I'm so sorry!" The person apologized.

Yoongi lifted his head and his eyes widened. It was Jimin standing in front of him. Park Jimin. Taehyung's crush.

He was looking prettier than ever in his white crop top and black skinny jeans that hugged his thighs perfectly. His pretty blonde hair slicked back and he looked perfect. He was looking at Yoongi with worry.

Yoongi snapped back. "It's okay..." He stammered and took a small step back.

Jimin smiled at him and his eyes turned into crescents. "You're Min Yoongi. Taehyung's boyfriend? Right?" He asked and his voice is so sweet.

"Yeah...?" Yoongi mumbled. His cheeks tinted pink as he still hadn't gotten used to being called 'Taehyung's boyfriend'.

"Nice to meet you, Yoongi. I'm Park Jimin!" The blonde boy offered his hand.

Yoongi stared at his face and then, his hand before raising his own and shook it. And Jimin's hand is so soft. It's smaller than Yoongi's. How everything about Jimin is so perfect?!

"N-nice to meet you too, Jimin." He smiled awkwardly and retreated his hand back.

"You were in the library?" The blonde asked him.

"Yeah. Uh, I have a test tomorrow and I needed a book from here. So...yeah."

"Mhm. You seem to be a good student. You're in the science department, right?"


"Then, you must be a great student indeed." Jimin giggled and Yoongi, not knowing what to do, chuckled awkwardly. The blonde cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair. "Anyways, I wanted to ask, would you, mayhaps, want to hangout this evening?"

"H-huh..?" Yoongi blinked.

"I mean. I heard you live in the dormitory. And one of my friends also happens to stay there and we're doing a little get together there for the night. So, I thought that maybe you'd like to come join us, you know." He said. His eyes turning big and hopeful. "So? What do you think?"

Yoongi's heart picked up pace and his anxiety began to kick in. There is no way that Park Jimin is asking him to hangout. And not even to hangout with him, but with a bunch of his friends! Nope. There is no way Yoongi can go. But, the way Jimin is looking at him with this puppy look on his beautiful face- he doesn't know what to say.

"J-Jimin. I-...."

"My boyfriend isn't going anywhere!" A deep voice interrupted him which is followed by a presence behind him and an arm wrapping around his shoulders pulling him closer.

Yoongi lifted his head up to see Taehyung staring blankly at Jimin. "Sorry, Jimin. Yoongi can't come with you. We have a date planned for tonight. Right, Yoonie?" He spoke and turned to look at Yoongi with a grin.

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