The Divorce

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It was a crisp monday morning in Chicago...

Obama had just woken up at the early hour of 7:30 yet he didn't feel the warm presence of his husband, El0n musk, by his side like he usually does. 

'He must of gone out last night' Barack says to himself, he could of said it out loud since their house is so big no one would have heard him anyway. 

Barack decided to check El0n's social media to find out where he was last night so he can go look for him

Once on SuperGram he saw that El0n had posted a new LifeUpdate so he clicked on it... 

he now knows he was probably better off not looking 

An image of Elon and Sonic kissing popped up on his screen, tears brimmed Obama's eyes as he saw what he thought was the love of his life kissing a BLUE (passport lol) hedgehog passionately 

Obama did what he thought was the only thing he could do right now, he went down to the kitchen and made himself some lovely warm lentil soup 

Suddenly the front door started to rattle, El0n was home.

El0n snuck in through the door, his fat voluminous ass barely fitting, he stopped as soon as his saw Obama 

Obama had scoffed all the soup in the house to heal his brocken hart </3, he made sure to eat ALL of el0n favourite soup to spite that cheating bitch. 

"Look baba grill it's not what it looks like i promise!" El0n says trying to defend himself but it was too late, Obama's mind had been made up. It was time for a DIVORCE

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