Part 18

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Lauren POV

2 Weeks later.

I rested my head on his chest, my arms around his waist, never wanting to let go. Today was the day Harry left for America. 3 months without him. 3 months not seeing his dimples, ruffling his hair, or feeling the soft sensation of his lips.

People were giving us many strange looks, we were standing in the middle of Gatwick airport.

I felt a single tear escape my eye, but I didn't want it to be obvious. Niall was saying a teary goodby to Gemma, it would be the longest time they'd spent apart, along with Lou, El, Zayn and Perrie. Liam stood there with Paul. I did feel sorry for Liam, I know that one day, Mrs Payne will appear.

"Harry, I'll miss you so much it's unreal, but will you promise one thing?" I whimpered.

"Yea babe, whatever you want"

"Don't forget me," I said and nuzzled my face into his neck once again.

"How could I?" He smiled and kissed my lips passionately. It felt like the first kiss we shared. How I'm going to miss him, but I'm going to visit and hopefully combine it with a trip to Canada.

"Boys it's time to leave!" Paul shouted.

"Goodbye Lauren, I love you," Harry said.

"I love you too." And with that, He, Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn disappeared into the airport floors.

Me, Perrie, Eleanor and Gemma stood crying, silently hoping that they would come back and never leave. But it's their job, they love it.

Me and El decided that she was going to move into my flat whilst the boys were gone so she wasn't alone in her and Louis' flat. I guess we just don't want to be alone. I had spent most of my time at Harry's, I had become accustomed to being with him. Maybe I got to attached.

When we got back, El and I cried for a good hour.

"You must be used to it," I said.

"Yeah, I guess, but there is something that always cheers me up!" She said with a cheeky grin.

"Ben and Jerrys with a bit of Channing Tatum shirtless..." She smiled and ran for the kitchen. I laughed at her and got the movie sorted.

"What shall we do tomorrow?" I said, I had now finished my job! I quit, and now I'm looking for a better one, that I can shape to seeing Harry aswell.

"Well, I have a modelling shoot in the morning, but then how about shopping?" She squealed.

"You know me too well..." I said, and grabbed my laptop, and logged into twitter. Harry had tweeted me.

@harry_styles - @laurenbyrne I miss you baby, so so much<3

I replied, this was making me even more upset.

I texted him as I didn't really want this all over the Internet..

Me- I miss you :( xoxo

Harry- I miss you too babe, we will see eachother soon, just keep the picture on you at all times and we'll always be together :) xoxoxoxoxo

El was also texting, Louis I assume. It was getting on for midnight, so I decided to go to bed.

"Night El!" I said.

"Night, it will get better..." She said with a reassuring smile. I trusted her, I will miss Haz, but thinking about seeing him and how happy I'll be, it's all gonna be worth it!

Next morning...

Eleanor's POV

I got up, bright and early. Why would you do a shoot at 7am? I do not know. Lauren looked so peacefully asleep and I didn't want to wake her, so I left her a note! I grabbed my bag, phone and purse and left for the studio. I hadn't done any modelling in ages, it would be great to do some. Plus it would take my mind off Louis.

When I arrived at the building, I ran into hair and makeup. As I sat in the chair, perfect ringlets in my hair, I decided to text Lou.

Me- I miss you :( xx

He didn't reply, what time is it there?

"Texting him?" My hairdresser said.

"Yeah," I smiled. Literally everyone around here knew about me and Louis and tbh it didn't bother me!

"How cute," she returned.

After about 2 hours I was all done and I returned to the flat. I guess I'm gonna call it my flat now.


Lauren POV

"I think it went really well!" I squealed down the phone to Harry.

"Babe that's brilliant! I'm sure that they'll publish it and you can get started as soon as possible!" He replied, happy for me. I had just returned from an interview for a blog, in an amazing magazine! It's really good, and I only have to work for 2 weeks every month! I really want this job. So much.

"Baby, I have to go, we have rehearsals! Love you!" He said.

"Love you too," I said and shut the phone.

"RIGHT LAUREN. WE ARE GOING CLUBBING!" Eleanor shouted, whilst running into my room.

"Whoa- Is that such a good idea?" I said.

"Yeah! It'll be amazing to celebrate!" She said, "and we leave for America in 1 week!" She said happily. We were going to see the boys a week today. I was so excited!

"Ok! Lets have so fun!" I said and we went to get ready.

I put on some shorts, tights and a new shirt/blouse I got a few weeks ago, along with black heels.

Me and el went to the nearest club we could find, and the loud music got to me as soon as we entered. I know that I can't get too drunk, so that noting happens. I would never be unfaithful to Harry.

"I'll get some drinks!" I said and walked over to the bar. I could tell that some people were staring at me, and tbh it made me feel really uncomfortable! I got me and El some drinks, and we made our way to the dance floor. El didn't want to get too drunk either... We're taken ;)

By the fittest boys in the world so yeah :)

At about 2am, we decided to call it a night and left the club, the air was FREEZING. Me and Eleanor were tipsy, but not drunk. We ran across the road to the taxi station and waited.

"Shit, have you got my phone?" I said.

"No, it's probably inside! Run back in and get it!" She said, and I did so. I ran across the road and into the club, luckily someone had handed it in at the bar.

I got outside the club and saw a text from Harry. I gazed at my screen whilst walking.

"LAUREN WATCH OUT!" I heard El yell, turned around and saw the headlights straight infront of me.

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