Part 20

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Harry POV

I waited anxiously for the doctor to return. Rosie was fast asleep on my chest, and El had returned home, to do some work. She came by every day to see how things are going. Or, how things aren't going. All of a sudden, about 3 or 4 doctors ran towards Lauren's room. I began to panic and judging by her dads expression, he did to. I stood up and ran to the door.

"Sir, you can't go in there!" A nurse shouted. She couldn't stop me. I ran down the corridor to her room, where the familiar beeping noise had stop. In fact, it was deadly silent.

A nurse stepped out the room, and faced me.

"Wh-what's going on?" I burst into tears.

"Mr..." She said

"Styles." I said

"Mr styles please follow me." She replied. I knew something was not good.

We collected the rest of the family and went to a small room.


"I'm so sorry, we did all we could," the doctor said.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I screamed, immediately regretting my words.

I cried and cried, along with the other heartbroken people in the room.

It should be me lying in that room, without a ping of life in me. Not her.

I ran to the bathroom, and smashed my hand into the mirror, causing it to shatter into a million pieces, like my heart. How could I go on?************


A ping of pain shot through me, and I winced loudly. My eyes flickered open, and I was in the same seat where I had spent the past week. It's been a week since the accident, and nothing happened. No sign of life.

"Harry? You ok?" El asked.

"No, not really. Had an awful night mare." I said plainly.

"Oh," she said.

"Did the doctor say anything?" I asked, with a glimmer of hope.

"No, but Louis called. Management said take as long as you need," she said.

I smiled faintly, and decided to go on a walk, clear my head.

I walked out of the hospital, into the cold winter air. It was 3 weeks until Christmas. Usually, I would be jumping around screaming, but not this year. There were a few fans outside, but barely any compared to a week ago. I hadn't been on twitter, though I dread to see anything that's on there. 2 teenage girls came up to me and didn't hesitate to give me a hug. I wrapped my arms around them back.

"We're sorry Harry." One said.

"I'm sorry too. I've let everyone down" I replied.

"You haven't, everyone's being really nice. We respect your privacy. Is she ok?" The other one asked.

"Urm, she's still unconscious," I said, I didn't want to cry in front of fans.

"I hope she gets better" the said.

"Thanks love, do you want a picture?" I asked. They did, so I gave them one and they left. I returned to the hospital, where all of the family and el had disappeared. I went up to the desk and asked what was going on.

"Right, go to room 143 and see for yourself..." She said.

I ran, through the wards to the room, and found everyone sitting outside. Lauren's mum came to talk to me when I got there.

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