1) Angry Confessions ~ Wolfstar

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     worked super hard on this one and i'm really really proud of it. hope you enjoy :)

     Remus wasn't one to pick a fight for absolutely no reason. He was a peaceful kind of person, trying to avoid confrontation when he could. Why make a big deal out of something that could be resolved with an apology instead?
    But when it was Sirius Black, it was different.
    Because Padfoot knew how to push his buttons. He knew exactly how to make the rage bubble up in Remus' gut, how to have Remus force down all of the things he wanted to scream back at him.
    How he was the only one who could do it, Remus didn't know. Maybe it was the fact that Sirius was the person that he couldn't stop thinking of, the person who gave him a funny feeling in his stomach and made Remus laugh and feel more than anything.
    But as much as Remus wanted Sirius to love him back, he didn't mind this fight.
    Speaking of this fight.
    "Moony! I wasn't even trying to bother you!"
    "Yes you were! I was doing my Charms homework. Why would you think doing that would be okay?"
    "I wanted to make you laugh! You were so dull the past couple days."
    "That's because it's almost the full moon, you git! This always happens then, you know that!" He was full on yelling now, blinded by hot-headed anger.
    He wasn't even mad at Padfoot. He was mad at himself, because he couldn't even tell the boy he loved how he felt.
    What a coward he was.
    "And besides, Padfoot, why would it cheer me up if you barge in playing a transfigured trumpet in the library? Madam Pince was so pissed, she almost kicked me out permanently!" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw James and Peter, sharing the window seat of their dorm, looking at him, eyes wide. Yeah, he really never did act like this.
    "Because I care about you, Moony! You're my friend! Why wouldn't I help?" Padfoot's face was slightly red, but Remus couldn't help noticing his dark eyes, which held anger and a hint of worry, and his beautiful black hair that he just wanted to run his fingers through. Except he couldn't, because they were currently in a bit of a spat.
    "Friends? Really? Do you lot even give a damn about me? Or am I just someone to do your homework for you when you're too busy pranking people to do it, or reading the textbooks for you when you're feeling too lazy to read it yourself, or doing the dirty work behind your nasty little pranks? Well, I'm done! I'm done being that person! Especially because I can't even tell you that I love you because I'm just that much of an idiot!"
    For a second, Sirius was about to reply heatedly, but then he froze, registering the words Remus had said. But by the time his face had softened and his eyes were slightly shiny, Remus had already rushed out of the room.
    "He's lost it, hasn't he?" Peter said, as insensitive as ever, as James shushed him and Sirius was frozen, staring at the door.

    For that entire day, there was zero communication between the others and Remus. At first, he was angry, refusing to meet Sirius' pleading eyes at the dining hall and glaring at the wall instead, or pointedly talking to Lily and Marlene.
    But soon enough, he started to feel such remorse. It was all his fault. He had ruined everything, ruined the one chance he had to confess his feelings for Padfoot. He'd even ruined his friendship with the only people who'd be his friend. The girls were okay, but it just wasn't the same without the Marauders.
    Eventually, the full moon came up, and Remus was really regretting his decisions now. He had gotten accustomed to the extra help he had been getting during the moon, and now had to deal with it the way he used to, on himself.
    That night, McGonagall led him to the Whomping Willow and into the small room, as per usual. They were prepared and everything, and she left, bidding him good luck, as he sat down on the small bed, arms wrapped around his frame, miserable and ready.
    Soon enough, the pain started up. He could feel his bones moving and hear the clicks that came as he yelled in agony, transforming --
    It was the last thing he remembered that night.

    He woke up to dog hair.
    It was black and fluffy, and he automatically brought his hands up, running his fingers through the sleek yet furry pelt.
    When the dog started moving, that's when everything came back to Remus.
    He immediately brought away his hands, and the dog let out a small sound that Remus knew meant sadness. He didn't touch the dog again, no matter how much he wanted to hug him forever. Instead, he sat up to find himself surrounded by a stag, a dog, and a small rat.
    A small grin expanded on his face, and stayed as Padfoot looked at him, cocking his little dog head.
    "You came."
    Padfoot nodded, resting his head on Remus' lap.
    He sighed. "Listen, Sirius. I'm so sorry. For yelling at you for no reason. You deserved nothing like that. You're an amazing person and you mean a lot to me." He carefully avoided the subject that he had been tiptoeing over.
    Suddenly, Padfoot started transforming -- and Remus soon had a full grown fifth year sitting in his lap, a wide grin on his face.
    "I know. I'm just that amazing." His smile disappeared as Remus rolled his eyes and pushed him off his lap. "I'm sorry though. I was kind of being a jerk. I shouldn't have distracted you. And I didn't know you felt that way. You mean everything to me, Remus, I promise. We should really talk about the homework thing, too. It really wasn't fair, the way we've been treating you."
    "Yeah. How is it possible you don't put in any work, and still do better than me in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions?"
    "Because I'm perfect, that's why." A smirk showed up on his face, the kind that made Remus want to kiss him, but then it disappeared. "Moony, what was it you said? Before you left our dorm?"
    Remus started fidgeting in his seat. "It's nothing."
    Sirius froze, and Remus could see the pain in his eyes. "Was it?"
    Before he could help it, he shook his head.
    "I'm sorry, Padfoot. I meant to say it was. It was something. I love you. With all my heart. And I know you probably don't love me back and fancy some other guy like that Ravenclaw one you were talking to a couple days ago but I really want to kiss you and be with you forever and--"
    "Moony, if I knew you didn't just like girls, I would have kissed you ages ago."
    A pair of lips suddenly met his, and Remus felt so at home, so at peace, because at last Padfoot was finally his--
    "Lads! Bloody -- what in Merlin's name!"
    Remus pulled away to find James staring at them, eyes wide.
    "Go on then! Why'd you stop? I'm not looking!"
    Sirius picked up Peter, still a rat, and threw him at James.

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