3) Happy Birthday, Moony ~ Marauders

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happy (a day late) birthday to our favorite remu who is certainly more alive than i am <3 

Remus had two favorite things. One was chocolate, the first thing he registered the smell of when he woke up. The other were his friends, who jumped onto his bed as soon as they saw him blearily blink open an eye.

"Happy birthday, Moony!"

He groaned, the corners of his lips moving ever so slightly. "You lot are gonna break the bed."

"Never mind that. It's your birthday, Moony. Nothing can go wrong!" James said, bringing his arms around Remus and hugging him tightly.

"I highly doubt that."

Sirius, who was pressed to the right side of him, barked a laugh. "No need for the negativity, Moony-pie. Look, me and Wormtail got you chocolate! Well, Wormy almost ate it, but..." Sirius shoved two baskets filled to the brim with all kinds of chocolate at him.

Peter jumped up from where he was sitting at Remus' legs. "I did not! And besides, that was supposed to be his surprise during breakfast, remember?"

Remus chuckled. "I could smell it, anyways."

"Of course you could. You're a werewolf, for Godric's sake."

"Hey, Moony's more than that, ya know."

"I DO know! I'm his best mate, anyways, how could I not?"

"No, you git, that's Pete."

Normally, Remus would close his eyes in exasperation, but today, it was in contentment. Birthdays with the Marauders were the best birthdays ever. Anyone would be lucky to even celebrate one with them.

For once, he could relax in peace and have a wonderful birthday, and maybe even celebrate even more this way.

When he opened his eyes again, he was sitting alone at his kitchen table. A small cupcake was in front of him, the icing falling off the sides. There was a blown out candle, the light smell of smoke replacing chocolate, for he had just made a wish.

"Happy birthday, Moony," he whispered.

i said he's alive, but i didn't say he wasn't alone ;)



mich xx

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