A/N: Welcome Note

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Hello! Before you read, I just wanted to introduce myself and say a couple things.

So, yeah. Hi. I'm Michelle, but you can call me Mich. I'm an avid Marauders fan. I also read a ton and I ship Wolfstar, Jily, and Dorcas. I'm also in love with Remus Lupin. Aaaand yeah, that's me.

So, a bit about this story! It's just going to be short stories, drabbles, blurbs, oneshots, etc. about Wolfstar. Maybe a long fic or two. And also, about the rest of the Marauders, but probably mainly Wolfstar, because it's my favorite ship. So, yeah! Get excited!

Also, there's not gonna be anything more than PG-13 or T level here. The max you'll see is probably kissing, so sorry if you were looking for...ya know. I don't write anything more than that because...yeah. I'm also ace, I think, so I honestly just don't know how to write it. But, yeah.

Also! This isn't my main platform, I'm just putting my stories here 'cause I heard it was a story platform and I kinda wanted to spread my audience, so yeah. That's why this is being posted here, heh.

Welp. Kept you here long enough. Hope y'all enjoy, if anyone reads this in the first place, and have a wonderful day :)

Michelle x

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