2) Paper Rings ~ Wolfstar

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     honestly i put zero effort in this one i just hadn't written anything for a week and it was practice so i don't lose my skills :) hope y'all enjoy!

     Remus was currently cleaning out the boxes piled up in the cabinets. There were things from when he was a student at Hogwarts that he couldn't bear to open, after Sirius was gone. Then when he came back they were busy with the Order, and then Sirius was killed.
     After that he couldn't even bear to look at it, let alone open it. He was living life with a hole cut out from his heart, no matter how much he pretended he was okay. But he knew he had to focus on Harry, pushing away everything about      himself for his practically-nephew.
     Then he met Tonks, and he thought he had another shot at love. The constant throb in his heart turned numb, and soon was filled with a sense of peace, a sense of readiness.
     He was ready to move on.
     Hands steady, he opened up a box, to find two crumpled up pieces of paper. He was confused, until he saw the folds along the sides.
     They were rings.
     Suddenly, Remus saw that night so clearly.

    Remus was at a Gryffindor party for the first time in a year. The air smelled like booze and smoke, and the common room was filled with teenagers making out and dancing to the music. Everyone below fifth year was sleeping in their rooms, and a Silencing charm was placed around the downstairs area, with people waiting at the top of the stairs, girls and boys staircases alike, in case any of the youngsters needed something.
    He already knew parties like this weren't his thing. He was sitting down on the couch, legs propped up in front of him on the coffee table, a book in his hands. The other Gryffindors had jokingly made fun of him for this, but they were all used to it by now. This was the Remus they knew and loved, anyway. A couple of more responsible parties occasionally came up to him, asking if he needed any food or water or company.
    Remus said no to all of those things every time, but he really did want the company. Specifically of one person. His best friend and long-time crush, to be honest. The person in terms was Sirius Black, who was currently dancing with the other Marauders and Lily, girls surrounding him, a drink in his hand. His slightly tipsy frame was carefree, his black hair coming out of his bun and his bluish-grey eyes shining brightly.
    He looked beautiful.
    Remus had been dealing with this crush for years and years. Ever since he was fourteen, actually. Three years later, it had only gotten worse, and he had to admit...he was in love with Sirius.
    His Pads met his eyes, winking at him. Remus forced himself to smile back, a blush starting to cover his cheeks. Sirius laughed, but the thoughts hit Remus all at once. Sirius just considered him a friend. They didn't belong together. Why would they, when Sirius was a social butterfly who could have anyone he wanted and Remus was...Remus?
    He quickly stood up, rushing out of the common room and up the stairs into the boys dormitory.
    He rushed to the Marauders' room and into the balcony, gulping in the fresh air. He slid down the glass wall and sat on the ground, stretching his legs before him, finally at peace. But moments later, he heard a voice behind him.
    He turned to find Sirius behind him, a concerned look on his face.
    "Mind if I sit down?"
    Remus shook his head.
    Sirius settled next to him, stumbling slightly, adjusting his position so he was comfortable. He rested his head on Remus' shoulder for a second, and he felt his heart skip a beat.
    They sat like that as Remus started feeling better, his heartbeat steadying. Then Sirius sat up and took Remus' hand.
    "Are you all right?"
    He nodded. But a "No" came out of his mouth.
    Sirius frowned. "What?"
    "It's you."
    He blurted it, not knowing why he said it, or even what he said, until Sirius froze, his hand turning tense against Remus', and that's when he knew he royally screwed up, because Sirius would never be this solemn when drunk.
    "I'm so sorry. I know, it's a mistake and I know I shouldn't love you and you would never love me back. I'm no one. I'm not worth anything to you. Or anyone. I'm nothing and that's final and you deserve someone so much better than me."
    Sirius' face turned confused, then softened. "Moony, that's the biggest lie I've ever heard. You are not nothing. You mean everything to me, and to everyone. You're so perfect, if anything I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. You're too good for this world. And I didn't know you loved me, because if I knew, then I would've done this a long time ago."
    He slowly leaned in, a question in his eyes, but Remus shook his head. "Sirius, you're definitely not sober."
    "So what?"
    "You're not thinking straight. This isn't it. You don't love me back."
    Sirius looked up at him, his eyes fierce. "Remus, I do love you. I promise you." Even with the alcohol in his system, his voice was clear.
    Remus smiled, a small smile. "Tell me that tomorrow morning, and we'll see. If you remember."
    "I swear I will." Sirius declared, his voice back to being slightly slurred.
    Remus chucked.
    "Wait, we should get married." Sirius said. "It's a great idea!"
    "Wait, what?"
    "I have rings!" And from his pocket, Padfoot pulled out two pieces of paper folded into a ring-shape.
    Remus rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to be able to stop you from this, will I?"
    Sirius grinned. "Definitely not, Moony-pie."

    "Remus, I'm home!" The voice broke him out of his thoughts. He turned around, and for a second, saw Sirius. He blinked, and saw Tonks, smiling at him.
    "Have you made dinner, my love?"
    He nodded. "Your favorite. Come on." He closed the box and tossed it into the save pile. A smile grew on his face as he took her hand and led her into the kitchen.
    Because as much as he loved Sirius, he had a new life.
    One without paper rings.

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