What happened?

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Stevens POV

I awoke to a voice, one that I don't recognize. I open my eyes to see Im stuck in an unfamiliar square shaped room.
"Amethyst?! y/n?! Pearl?" I shout, remembering what happened. "Garnet...Where are they?!"
I walk up to the force field keeping me inside. "woah" I say as I look around at the place I'm in. I hear someone grunting. I touch my fingers to the force field and it didn't hurt me. I cover my eyes and stick my arm in. "Cool!" I then walk through the force field.

As I'm walking through the corridors I see a gem, my size but she's red. I ask her if she's okay and she starts freaking out a bit.

"Aughh!" She shouts as she punches the wall. "Great! This is just perfect!" She shouts, lying.
"Uhh, do you need any help?" I offer.
"No! I mean.. don't look at me! Just go away." she says, she then curls into a ball and turns away from me. But as I'm about to leave she stops me.

"Hey wait! You're out!" She states, "how'd you get past the field."
I then show her how I'm immune to it. She tried to touch it but it hurt her. We both hear the singing now.
"Somebody's singing." I state.
"Sapphire. Let me outta here! please! I need to find Sapphire!" She pleas.
"Is she your friend? I'm looking for my friends too!" I reply.
"She's all alone I need to find her!" She shouts.

I let her out but she just ran off without me.

"STEVEN?!" I heard a familiar voice call out.
"y/n? Y/N?"


I woke up in a cold almost empty room. My hands and feet tied to the bed. I could feel a pain in my lower chest. I'm okay. Everything okay. Where was I? I could hear singing. Everything that happened became flooding back to me.

"STEVEN?!" I began to shout. "STEVEN!"
"Y/N?" I heard.
Suddenly Steven came running through the door. I had tears running down my face.
"Oh no, y/n are you okay? did they hurt you!?" Steven asked.
"I- I don't know." I replied.
Steven untied the, whatever that was, that was holding me still. "Come on y/n we need to get out of here, we need to find the others. I found a gem, I let her out but she went running off. She was talking about how she needed to find 'Sapphire'"

I stumbled when I tried to walk again. Steven and I walked through the door and spotted someone. Down at the end of a corridor. Lapis?
"Lapis!" Steven shouted out to her. "I can let you out!" He puts his hand out, about to help her escape. "STOP!" She yells. "It's okay! I can-" Steven continued but was interrupted.

"No! I don't want your help! Things are bad enough as it is. I've already made too much trouble. Once we get back to home world, they're going to decide what to do with us. Whatever you're doing just stop. If we do everything they say they might go easy on us!" Lapis stated.

"But they're.. Mean!" Steven replied, "They hurt my friends, they hurt my face! They've got you here in prison."
"That's why we can't fight them." Lapis replied.
"That's why we have to fight them." Steven stated. "I'll comeback for you." and with that, we ran off, leaving Lapis there as she wished.

"It seems like she's been through a lot." I said to Steven. "She seems scared, more so than me! and that's saying something."

Steven and I were running back through the halls mindlessly. That's when Peridot and Jasper walked by us.

"We can't leave yet!" pled Peridot, "The whole point of coming here was to check on the cluster!"
Jasper punched the wall, "STOP SINGING!" she demanded to the mysterious gem. Jasper then turns back around to Peridot and says, "Rose Quartz takes priority get back to the bridge and set a course for Homeworld." And with that, Jasper walks off.

Peridot, now talking to herself says, "'Go to Earth' they said, 'it'll be easy' they said."

Once Peridot left, Steven peaked around the corner and saw the gem that's been singing. We ran towards her. It was a shorter, blue gem. She had bangs that covered her eyes.

"Hey, I like your song." I whispered towards her.
"Are you Sapphire?" Steven asked.

"You escaped? Of course." she replies.
Steven then blocks off the forcefield by using his body, "CcoomMme OonNnn iIIttTtsss SsSaaaFfFeee."

"Thank you Steven." Sapphire states as she walks out of her prison.
"You're welcome." He replied proudly.

"Sapphire!" We could hear being called in the distance.
"Come on!" Sapphire says as she grabs my hand. I grab Steven's as she yanks us and we run toward the voice that was calling her name. She leads us into an open corridor.
"Ruby!" She calls.
The two gems run into an embrace.
"Did they hurt you?" The red one, who's name I think is Ruby, asks. "No, no, I'm okay. Did they hurt you?" Sapphire asks back. "Who cares" Ruby replies. "I do!" Sapphire answers. They both begin laughing and dancing. I lean over to Steven an whisper "Cute." He smiles back.

Suddenly, their two giggles turned into one as a bright white light glowed in front of our eyes. It's Garnet!

"Steven! y/n! Thank you!" Garnet says.
"Garnet!" Steven and I shout in unison.
"You're a fusion?!" Steven says shocked.
"Oh- I'm sorry. We didn't want you meeting us here like this." she replied. "well," Steven started, Did I make a good first impression?"
"aww Steven, we already love you." Garnet said. Tears forming in my eyes. Until we heard that awful voice again.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Jasper shouted from down the hall. "It's Jasper." Garnet states, "y/n, Steven, find the others and get to the control bridge."

"But we don't know where they are." Steven replies. To which Garnet then kissed both of our foreheads. Future vision!

"Wait are you gonna be able to beat her on your own?" I ask Garnet.

"It's okay y/n. I'm never alone." Garnet replies with a smile on her face. Steven and I leave to start looking for the others but I couldn't help but over hear Jasper and Garnet.

"Oh great. You're both out? And you're fused again?! Why? Fusion is just a cheap tactic to weak gems stronger. Quit embarrassing yourselves. I've seen what you really are." Jasper stated.

Steven then pulled me away from the door and I wasn't able to hear Garnets reply. Since she gave us some future vision we knew exactly where to go to find Amethyst and Pearl. But when we were running there the pain in the chest grew stronger. I let Steven run ahead as I pulled up my shirt to see what's wrong.


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