A Dying Wish (Part 2)

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Here is part 2 of 3. I typed this up today so it may not be 'perfect' and there could be some typos, but I hope you enjoy it anyway! I'm in the process of writing part 3 (the final part) and I am hoping that I'll have it finished and posted on here tomorrow! I like to think of this story as being sad, but also funny and heartfelt. Let me know what you think of it! Also, follow my wattpad instagram, sarahrwriting, the same as my wattpad!! 


A Dying Wish

It's the next morning and I'm sitting alone in the kitchen, at the table with a cup of coffee. I didn't get much sleep last night, only a few hours. I spent most of it crying and trying to figure out what to do. But what can I do? I'm 30 years old and now single, Mum only has a few months left, and the one thing she wants before she passes, is the one thing that I now don't know if I can give her. I mean, I'm sure that maybe in the next 6 years I could be married and with a child or two, but I'm not sure about in the next 6 months. I just don't want to let her down, I feel like I've let her down more than enough times, even if she says I haven't. The only thing I can keep thinking of is to give it time, I might get lucky.

Anyway, enough of these depressing thoughts. I have a breakfast date with Josh, and apart from seeing mum later today, spending some time with Josh is the only thing that'll probably make me smile today. I find some nice clothes to wear and have a quick shower, I notice that I'm still wearing my engagement ring. No point in that anymore is there, I pull it off my finger and put it to one side. Maybe I'll sell it to someone who will make better use of it. Or maybe at some point I'll just bin it. I haven't decided yet. Once I am ready, I head out to the cafe that we've arranged to meet. I pull into a space and park the car. I am right outside of the cafe and managed to park next to Josh's car, so I know that he's here. I grab my things and head inside, I quickly manage to locate Josh already sitting at a table, so I approach him.

"Hey Josh" I greet with a grin. He looks up and his face lights up as he sees me. He stands up, taller than me (I'm 5'6 and he's 5'11, he's also 2 years older than me, Dylan is a year older than me), and wraps his arms around me in a big hug. He has no idea how much I need this hug right now.

"Hey Ashley!" He greets. After a few seconds, we release each other and he pulls a chair out for me to sit. He's always been such a gentleman with me. "How are you doing?" He asks. He is about to find out because I am ready to spill the beans.

"I've been better. You?" I question.

"Oh no. I was ok until I heard you come out with that answer. What's up?" He asks with a worried expression.

"It's been a crap 24 hours. Really crap" I answer honestly.

"Is it about your mum, how is she doing?" He questions, comfortingly.

"She's strong, and brave, the bravest. We got some bad news yesterday, she only has maybe 4-6 months left before the cancer beats her" I explain as I begin to cry. This sucks.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry Ashley. Cancer is a real bitch" He says. Isn't that the truth! Josh passes me a napkin to dry my tears, which I appreciate. I don't fancy leaving this cafe looking worse than I already do. At least I'm not wearing much make-up, and what I have on is waterproof so I won't be looking like a panda.

"I am terrified of life without her. I'm only 30 years old, heck, she's only 57. I can't imagine life without her, and yet it's coming so soon" I say as I let my tears flow, no even caring about who else is nearby witnessing this.

"I hate this as much as you do. I know I'm not your mum or anything close, but I am always here for you" He tells me. I finish crying and drying my tears. I'm so grateful to have Josh in my life, especially right now. He's an amazing friend to me.

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