Best Friends

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(A/N: It has been a little while, I've just been really busy, I have ideas, it's just finding the time to write! But here is another short story.. I hope you enjoy it! Also, if you happen to find any mentions of a 'George', let me know, I changed the name, Max is George, George is meant to be Max, I think I found them all, but one or two may have slipped through. Hopefully it won't be long until I have another one posted!! Feel free to check out my other stories, Homeless, The Private School, etc.. they are full length stories, and I am currently working on another story, which I'm excited about!! Be back soon, hopefully)

Best friends

Rachel and Conrad first met when they were 12 years old starting secondary school together. Rachel was a shy long brown haired girl who was just under 5 feet tall, brown eyes, a petite figure. Conrad was a fairly confident wavy long-ish (not too long as he never likes long hair on himself) mixture of brown and blonde haired boy, just over 5 feet tall, blue eyes and a slim figure. They've been best friends forever with a special bond that has never been broken, no matter whoever or whatever has tried to get in their way. Nothing has ever been able to get between their friendship. Even when Rachel went through a phase of bullying for having braces, Conrad stood by her, he was more popular and out-spoken, so always stood by her. He eventually had braces too, nobody picked on him, they knew better not to. Rachel and Conrad continued to grow up together and consider themselves each others family, even their own families see them both as family too. As they both went through their changes through their teen years, they decided to take up going to the gym, they both enjoyed sports in school, playing football, basketball, dong athletics, so they decided to be gym buddies and be fit and healthy youngsters. That was the start of their future career paths.

At 18 years old Conrad (now 6 feet tall, stubble, short styled hair) left for university to study to be a sports teacher, Rachel (now 5.6 feet tall, just below the shoulder length curly hair and more confident and out-spoken) also went to university to study sports physiotherapy. They've both got a love for sports and being healthy, Conrad wants to teach it, Rachel wants to help other people medically with it. Their universities are in different locations, about an hour or so away from each other. But the distance still never got in the way of their friendship. They both started working while studying and managed to cram in learning to drive, in the mean time, they'd each take it in turns to travel via a train to visit each other, often spending the night or weekends at each others now and then, making other friends along with way, even with each others friends, some even questioned the extent of their friendship, and whether they'd ever been more than friends. They have only ever been just best friends. Whenever they weren't able to be in each others company due to working and studying, or other commitments, they'd Facetime sporadically throughout each day. By the time they had finished their studies and graduated, they were both driving their own cars and working hard enough to save up their money in order to find a place together and live as roommates for a few years.

Over the years, both Conrad and Rachel have had various flings and drunken one-night stands and brief relationships with other people, neither of the two mind as long as one another is happy. They're always able to work things out around each of their own personal lives. They're careful to let each other know if it's.. lets just say, not safe to come home if they don't want to interrupt certain activities. At times it has led to one of them staying at a hotel for the night, although whoever is responsible for 'kicking the other out for the night', always insists on paying for the room. Then there are the easier times where one of them is away on holiday, nobody is accidentally going to get into each others way. There was one occasion where Conrad had forgotten to inform Rachel that he was busy at their home, she walked in and caught Conrad on the sofa with a fling, thankfully she didn't see anything due to being behind the sofa, but it was still an awkward moment and later on Conrad couldn't apologise enough. He never saw that girl again as she was rude towards Rachel interrupting them by accident, despite Conrad telling her it was his fault.

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