A Dying Wish (Final Part)

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As hoped, here is part 3, the final part. Again, it may not be perfect in terms of writing, but I think it's good though. It's heartfelt and funny at the same time. But the big question is, what will Ashley do if she can't grant her mothers dying wish? Lets see (and let me know what you think). Follow my wattpad Instagram, sarahrwriting, just like on here! See you when I have another idea :)


A Dying Wish

I am on the verge of giving up. I'm quickly running out of time and it's seeming more and more impossible to find love this quickly. Mum is getting sicker and sicker each week that passes and I am no closer to getting married than I was the night Dylan left me. I'm so depressed that I'm not even going to bother getting up today, at least not until I go and see mum. I ignore my phone as it constantly receives texts, I check who they're from, but it's Josh and I'm not in the mood for him making me laugh today. I even check when my phone rings in case it's mum or the hospice, it'll be the only time I answer the phone, but it's Josh every time. I go into the kitchen and grab some hot chocolate and various bits of junk food and take it all back to bed. I put the TV on but pay no attention to it as I think about what a failure I am, how much of a horrid daughter I am that I couldn't even give my mother her dying wish. I hate everything right now.

Knock knock knock knock

Ding dong

I hear someone at my door. I'm not going to answer it, they'll disappear once they think I'm not in.

Thud, thud, ding dong, thud thud, ding-ding-ding-ding dong

The hammering on the door and doorbell continue constantly to the point that I put my pillow over my head.

"Ash, it's me! I know you're in there, your car is here" I hear Josh's voice as he continues the doorbell and knocking.

"GO AWAY!" I scream as I cry.

"Come on, open the door, please!" He begs. I ignore him. "Don't make me break the door down, babe" He threatens. I really don't want a broken door. I get out of the bed and approach the door, but I don't open it.

"Josh, please just leave me alone" I request.

"Not a chance, I haven't seen you for days and you're not answering your phone. I'm worried about you" He says.

"I'm fine. I'm always fine" I tell him.

"Open the door and show me that you're fine then, or else I'll kick it open" He threatens again. I roll my eyes and open the door. He looks at me and I can see how concerned he is.

"See, I'm fine" I tell him with a fake smile.

"No you're not" He says as he lets himself inside.

"Uh, come in" I say sarcastically as I close the door.

"What's going on Ash?" He asks as he walks around my place. He sticks his head in my bedroom and shakes his head at the state of it.

"I failed the mission" I admit.

"What?" He question with confusion. He takes me to the kitchen table and sits me down while he puts the kettle on and makes some coffee. "Talk to me" He says as he joins me at the table with the coffees.

"You were right and I should've listened to you from the start. It's impossible to find someone who is willing to marry me and build a life with me, I'm ready for it, but it isn't happening. I'm upset that I've failed my mum and she only has weeks left to live. I should have done what you advised me to do and been honest from the start" I explain.

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