Mihari discovering Mariachi's corpse

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So y'all know about Mihari appearing in the Minka and the Mariachi corpse in part three of Chapter 3. Also this is just like my head cannon of what happened when Trash AKA Niko left. And since Mihari is confirmed to be his daughter I'm writing this because I suddenly have motivation.

Omg this is literally so cringy I hate my writing so much-

Third person POV

Mihari was wandering her maze, lonely and bored. She hated having to kill humans against her will, but she had to admit that it was a bit entertaining to try and chase the humans. She knew how horrible that sounded but after being stuck as a monster for so long she just couldn't care nearly as much as she used to when she was in her early days of being cursed.

She never liked the dark, and the horrible lighting in her maze wasn't helping her. The long stringy vines in the corridors also scared her, reminding her of the vines that grabbed and her and took her away from her father and sister. She then stopped and stood in the middle of a hallway. She missed them so much. Her family was all she ever had. Well, all except her mother. She despised her mother for what she did to their family. In fact, she hated her mother, and she refused to call her mom anymore. Niko wasn't nearly as kind and loving as her husband was and after Biwaki was born, Niko stopped being close with any of the family. Mihari remembered how it broke her father's heart. Mihari felt herself getting angry, she couldn't believe how rude and cold Niko could be to her father. Her father was the kindest person known in their village. He was constantly helping anyone he could, even if he wasn't in a good condition to be giving out food and money to others.  

She remembered how heartbroken her father was the night Niko left. After he comforted both his daughters, trying to explain to his younger why their mom wasn't living with them anymore and he was going to have to spend more time out working. Mihari knew how exhausted and sad he was, she could see it in his eyes. She excused him to go to bed while she comforted Biwaki. After coaxing her little sister and making sure she was fast asleep, she then also slipped into bed. However she could hear the soft cries of her father, and they sounded so anguished. He cried all night, and Mihari couldn't fall asleep, she just couldn't bear to fall asleep while her father suffered. When they got up for breakfast, she saw the dark circles under his eyes. They all sat and ate quietly. Biwaki noticed her elder sister and father were silent and looked tired. She knew it was because mom wasn't there. Kaito finished his breakfast first and then kissed both of his daughters' foreheads. "Alright you two, I'm going to have to go out to work and pay off a debt..I have." His voice was hoarse, and there was a very noticeable pause when he said debt.

Soon their father left, and Mihari suddenly realized how she now had to take care of both her sister and the Minka. Of course she knew it wasn't her father's fault. He always overworked himself to support their family, and sometimes he'd collapse on the floor or pass out due to exhaustion and lack of sleep. He worked so hard and now the world was throwing so much at him. Mihari knew she needed to help him as much as she could. He has to already work more, I need to keep the Minka in check to make sure he doesn't work himself to death. She started to clean all of the rooms, and cleaned all the dishes. Then she saw her little sister sitting in her room sad. Mihari felt bad, as she knew Biwaki was only nine years old, and she didn't know what was going to happen. A part of Mihari feared that Biwaki would feel like it was her fault that Niko left. Mihari then walked and sat in front of her little sister. "Hi Biwaki, how are you?" Her sister looked up at her with a disappointed expression. "Mom left us forever didn't she. She probably did something bad and now Papa has to work even more. You have to work more too now and both you and Papa are super sad now." Mihari couldn't say anything, she just grabbed her little sister and pulled her in for a hug. 

Her father came back in the late of the night. Biwaki was already put to sleep and Mihari made some food for exhausted dad. They sat and ate at the table. Suddenly her father spoke. "I wanted to make sure your sister wasn't around to hear this. You might already know this but I'll tell you in case you don't. The reason why I have to work even more now is because your moth-...well Niko had collected some debts. Over the last few months she had been spending a bit more than she should on things we didn't need. I don't know why, but she just left it on me. Now I have to work even more and even later to pay off the debt. It's not small either, this'll take a long time to completely pay off. I'm really sorry, because now you have to clean the entire Minka, if you ever feel tired please don't overwork yourself and let me handl-" "No!" A shout had escaped Mihari's mouth. "N-no. I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound rude. It's just that you already were overworking yourself dad. You already were collapsing from overworking before she left, with this debt if you work even more you'd get horribly sick. Please, just let me do this. It's not that much and I already kind of took care of Biwaki before." Her father looked at her and sighed. "Alright, but I just want to look after you. You and your sister are all I have left and I would never forgive myself if anything happened to the either of you." The two then pulled into a hug, and started to cry, letting out their bottled up emotions from the woman they once cared for leaving them in the dirt.

That was the last night that they had ever talked to each other before Mihari got sick. Then after being stuck in bed she saw how her father's eyes had even more dark circles underneath them, and she even heard from her sister that he had collapsed from exhaustion a couple of times. Mihari felt awful, if she hadn't gotten sick, then her father wouldn't have to work even more. Unfortunately she never got to apologize to her dad due to a vile witch cursing them.

Suddenly an idea had sprung up into her head. She had never seen what lead to beyond her maze. She knew that she needed the skulls to open the sealed pathway. It took very quick, due to the fact that she was the only one in there and was the monster that targets humans. She placed all the skulls and heard that annoying laugh from that witch that hurt her family. Mihari hated her, but admitted she didn't hate the witch nearly as much as Niko. At least the witch cut straight to the point and didn't pretend to care for Mihari. Suddenly the pathway opened and she went through. Should I have done this? Well I was bored.

She saw the room fade to black, and she then opened her eyes. She was back in her Minka? Suddenly she looked down and her eyes widened, and she let out a huge gasp. Lying there propped up against the wall, in the same room where they always used to eat was a corpse of a man. She prayed it wasn't who she thought it was. She looked at that suit. The red bowtie, the jacket with yellow buttons, and propped up on the head was a black top hat covering long dark hair. That suit and hat belonged to her father. She knew that many years had passed since she was grabbed by that caterpillar and she knew humans didn't live forever. But knowing that her father was killed as well broke her. She fell to the ground and crawled near her father's body. She grabbed him and wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could. She hugged him tight, afraid that if she didn't she'd lose him. Leaning into his shoulder, she began to sob and scream.

"Why... why did this happen to you?"

"You were always so kind and so caring to everyone, despite how good or bad they were."

"You constantly were put down and hurt by the world and people that didn't deserve your kindness."

"Why were you the one who was always hurt and treated awfully?"

"Why is the world so unfair?!"

"I don't even care what happened to me, you didn't deserve this, you deserved so much better!"

"I'm so sorry, if I hadn't gotten sick then you would have never overworked yourself even more and I could have helped you."

"I hate Niko for leaving such a kind man like you, I hate that witch for taking advantage of you and cursing us, and I hate myself for not helping you enough."

Mihari continued to sob onto her father's corpse, for hours on end. Just like how her father had sobbed that night when Niko left their family.

Ok this may or may not just be me dunking on Niko but yeah whatever.

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