"The irony is hilarious"

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Just some things to say so no confusion.

I theorize that Evil God and Shinigami are brothers, and they fought for the throne while Shinigami was the ruler and uhh Grim reaper lost obviously.

Evil God's name is Kamisama. (The Mimic Wiki has it as an alias and I can't write a story with one of the characters being called Evil God like no)

Aka Manto is Shinigami's son, because I said so

Sama is dead, but she's just stuck in Jigoku forever now, as powerless as any human. She's also stuck as her spider form because that is what she was when she died (no duh)

Alright thanks

Third person's POV

In the interior of Jigoku, the fallen king sat on the throne, a look of apathy and boredom on his face. Those who still had some sort of sense whispered, their confusion on why the one who lost the throne was now sitting on it so casually.

Shinigami could hear every word that they were saying, but didn't give them the confirmation that he could hear their voices. It was a normal, common thing, due to him having his senses being amplified beyond that of a human's.

He sighed, as he knew exactly why they would be confused. His right to the throne was stolen away from him, thousands of years ago. Despite being the God of Death, he wasn't the one ruling over the realm where souls of the deceased lived.

No, that title was taken from him by his own brother, Kamisama. No one knew the relation between him and "The Evil God", save for himself and the current ruler of Jigoku. They despised each other. For Shinigami, his reason for his hatred was Kamisama stealing the throne from him, forcing him to roam in the shadows, doing nothing but killing humans at the end of their lives. Kamisama hated him because the God of Death constantly mocked him for the lack of him doing anything, forcing his minions to do his dirty work.

Remembering Kamisama's minions made him stop for a moment. He realized how technically they weren't just his minions, they were also his children. The Four Beasts were his blind followers, thinking their father was incapable of doing any wrong. Of course, being children of such an evil deity meant that their view of what was "wrong" was incredibly twisted. In fact, everyone around him was incredibly corrupted. Shinigami was the sole exception to all of that.

Despite killing anyone who dared to travel to Jigoku, he was the most morally grey out of everyone in that despicable family. He had to be of course, as he was the one who had to judge those deceased to see if they were deserving of getting into heaven instead of being confined to a constant burning agony that was the crimson, death filled wasteland.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a portal. Normally he would grab his scythe and prepare to kill the intruder, however he knew that this wasn't a human. It was his brother. He knew that portal wasn't made by his own personal creation and son, Aka Manto. That was something that barely fazed even those lost souls.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance, he pushed himself off of the throne. He knew how Kamisama would react to him sitting on the throne. He always had the shorter temper out of the two of them. Shinigami slowly walked towards the entrance of the Jigoku palace, causing confusion and curiosity to the souls around him. Using his hearing, he could tell that his brother is quite angry. Somehow, this rage in Kamisama's voice matched the time when he found out the Four Beasts were sealed into different locations within the earth, all done by a samurai. Confusion filled the fallen king's thoughts.

What could make Kamisama so infuriated? Shinigami highly doubted that it was anything minor. The so called "all powerful ruler" of Jigoku rarely showed his rage to anyone outside of Shinigami. He decided to go see what infuriated his brother, knowing Kamisama couldn't just get rid of him like he does with everyone who angers him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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