You've changed

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Narrator POV

Yasu had finally gotten through that god awful swamp full of those mannequins. The taste of vomit was still there in his mouth and he gagged. He didn't know why he was taken to his old school. It felt like more torment from that witch, to bring him to the place that he first went to. His friends, they were gone. He didn't like some of them, but others like Kayla, Jason, Daniel and Cecil were great people, and he felt awful knowing they died too young.

As he made his way into his school, he wondered what monster he would see in the school. He wondered if it would be a long dead relative or just a lifeless thing like that doll his dad tried to give him when he was young. He cringed when he thought of Tokito but he felt sadness when he thought of his father. Daku was a great man and Yasu loved him dearly. He wondered what happened to his father and he prayed that he was okay.

He walked through the hallways that he would have to collect more butterfly spirits. Thirteen in total. He felt strange and dread came over him as he thought about the amount of spirits he had to collect. He had never been forced to collect that many butterflies, and he was certain the monster in this school wasn't going to be easy to outrun. As he made his way through the first floor and collected the keys and the butterflies he felt melancholic. He remembered this school, how he was so happy the last time he was here. Now the only emotions he ever felt were fear, sadness, and anger.

Suddenly Yasu felt a chill and he saw a figure coming down the stairs, he darted into his French classroom. He couldn't see the monster properly so he just stayed there until he fell that the coast was clear. 

Yasu walked out of the classroom and peeked his head around, looking to see if the monster was there. He felt relieved when he realized it wasn't. As he continued to collect more spirits, he got more glimpses of the monster. It was tall like most of them, and appeared to be male. The strange thing was that unlike the other monsters, this one seemed to be wearing modern clothes. 

He had to go up to the second floor, the floor the monster was roaming around the most. As he unlocked the classroom with the first key, he heard stomping. Loud stomping. Confusion formed in his head. Even the giant centipede barely made any sound unless she was near. Why would such a smaller monster make more noise than her? He felt deja vu, the one he never wanted to experience. The stomping seemed so similar to the stomping in his house. His father never had the best legs, and the noise was often frequent in their house. Fear began building up, replacing all the confusion. 

It can't be him, right? 

He then remembered a photo he saw in his parents room while he was looking for a key. A photo of two lovers getting married. The man was wearing a suit, a suit that looked familiar. Too familiar. The tall height, next to the woman who was his mother. Traits about his father came back into his mind. How he coughed due to his poor lungs, his unatural height, his lack of hair that came with age. His friends, or some of them, making fun of him behind his back despite being so kind. The smile, that kind, warm smile. He looked again at the man who passed him. The man who's identity horrified Yasu.

The monster was his father.

Tears built up in his eyes as he realized he called his poor father a monster, feeling stupid for not realizing it earlier. His father looked just like any other monster that he was forced to face across this awful nightmare.

Memories rushed into his mind, only further sending him into anguish. The time his father comforted him after Juno went missing, the time he had taught Yasu about amazing Japanese legends, and the time he and Yasu went on a trip without Keiko where Yasu saw amazing sights. Then remembering his mother and how she had turned into another one of those damned witch's puppets.

His sobs could be heard throughout the entire school. Emotions were pouring out and tears were uncontrollably falling from his eyes. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his head, gently rustling his hair. It was his father, leaning Yasu's head onto his shoulder. "Don't worry my son, it will all be okay. You can do this, I know you can."

Yasu knew it wasn't real, but he still leaned into the touch. Daku was right. He had to face Sama, and kill her. "I will dad, I promise."

Somewhere in that all but abandoned school,  a tall monstrous man could be seen roaming around, with tears falling down his face.

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