This is why the future powered seeing siblings are in charge

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It was a few days before the wedding, ok more like a couple months or a couple of weeks everyone had just gotten their invites to the wedding. The expressions on peoples faces varied from how they felt about the event. From our cousins who were excited for it, and so was our mom but Charlie was sitting in the kitchen frowning at the letter. Jake wouldn't had been too happy about it either, and still isn't but this time he couldn't run off cause Bella was making him be apart of it. Except he was going along with it because of me.

However that didn't stop either of us from running around in the pouring rain either to blow of some steam or just for fun. I know you can guess which one was which. Like I said at the end of the last one, or maybe its been too long since then to remember what I said but we were doing this to burry the hatchet of the treaty and the rivalry. I loved the rain, and was gonna go enjoy it in my wolf form. Jake was out in the rain doing what Jake does best.

I went with him. I always say wolves are nothing more than big dogs, and for me that is very true. All those big puddles to splash in all the mud puddles to play in and get messy in. My clothes would be a dirty muddy mess but I didn't care. Alice and I were planning the whole thing we were the only two with vision. We had to. But I'll be honest planning a wedding in less than 3 months and making sure my brothers don't kill each other is super stressful.

There was like no time to prepare at all. Not to mention to my brother and sister I was the most important person, and they were the ones getting married. Preparing it, giving a speech at it singing at it. It's a good thing we've all got powers and need no sleep. When I came back I was a mess. However I was being the slightest bit helpful if nothing else than making sure that Jake didn't blow a fuse. I was keeping us both entertained, and coolheaded.

Once we transformed back to our human forms.... Farrah you're a mess! Yeah, yeah, but I had a lot of fun. Don't you have a wedding to plan? Yeah, but I've been doing that since we got the news. I frowned. It's a lot of work. Well come on let's get you cleaned up before you go back home. Come 'ere. What are you doing? Getting the hose now hold still. Jake? I call dodging out of the way as he picks up the hose turning it on to spray me with it.

No way, I'm already soaked, I need to be dry, besides it won't clean my clothes. So what the rest of you is still covered in dirt and mud. You know how much trouble we'd both be in if you came home a great big mess? Now hold still. He tries again to spray at me. Can't I just shower instead? I'll hose you down you can use your magic to change into some nice worm clothes. Or even dry the ones you have on now. I don't have THAT power. Change yes, dry no.

Hey Snow I wanna tell you something. Yeah? He smirks and I get sprayed now you're all clean you can now switch outfits. *Ug* I spit out the water at him he laughs shielding his face. You're all wet too you smell like wet dog. Yeah well so do you. My family will care more if I smell like wet dog than if I'm wet. Besides, I'm too cold now to make myself change clothes. Thanks for that. Not my fault you came with me out into the rain. But it is your fault for getting me more wet, before it was just my fur that was all wet now my wet clothes are sticking to my body and I'm freezing.

But you're a.... No, I'm not, I'm still a.... Em? I call into the hut like "house." Yes? Farrah Cullen you're all wet, I'll go run you a bath. She can just take a shower. Jake says rolling his eyes. Yeah, but a bath is more fun, and relaxing, in the shower I have to stand there at least in the bath I get to sit down, and lay down. This is just like last time. Last time? When you were sad over the next party and you went hunting and I made Em run you a bath and you handed her out your wet clothes for her to wash? Oh yeah I remember that. Man that feels like a lifetime ago already.

That was only like more than 3 months ago maybe around 6 or less months ago. It must've been may its August now. That was only like a little more than 3 months ago. But it already feels like its been forever. Come on if we can't do things the easy way I guess we'll do them the hard way. Both: Jacob?! Emily and I call to him. He rolls his eyes. Jacob you need to get cleaned up too she warns him. You'll catch a cold. No I will not he rolls his eyes again. Besides even if I did it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. But you'd miss the wedding if you got sick. I scolded. Oh no can't have that he said sarcastically.

Jacob Bella and I are counting on you. Fine, fine. I'll shower after you're done, then I'll take you home. Fine with me. Good thing you don't live too far away. I hope they know where I am they haven't called and or Edward hasn't mind messaged me. They're probably not too worried, they know you're probably with me. I think that would make them more worried. After I'm cleaned up, I'm taken home. I tell Jake goodbye, and scold him not to make himself sick. Ok, ok.

Jacob so help me if you do I'll hunt you down and deal with you myself, don't get sick don't miss the wedding, and SHOW.... UP.... ON.... TIME! Yes ma'am. He chuckles than leaves the house, this was gonna be a long wedding weekend when we got to that point. Soon its the day before the wedding, Bella was outside with Alice in her wedding shows trying to break them in. Alice and I were telling the guys how we wanted everything. I'll deal with it Alice you help Bella. Just think Bella after tomorrow you're officially a Cullen and will be with my brother forever.

Oh here comes more help. Help? Please? Can you 3 please use your powers to help us. Just make sure no one sees you in your forms. All 3 of us. Yes Jake you your sister and Danny. Ok cuz two dragons and ghost coming right up. Thank you guys. I frown exhausted. T: We need all the help we can get. Not that I really want to be here or be part of any of this, I wouldn't be doing any thing if it weren't for you and your sister, you know you're the only person I'd do this for? I'm at your service.

Jacob?! I squeal happy to see him. I wrap my arms around him, and hug him. You're actually here! What and let down my little sister. I'm.... You know what, I'm just glad you're here. Alice can't I just go barefoot? Absolutely not Alice tells her. IDK I think you should let the bride decide what she wants to do after all its her wedding. Jacob? Bella says to him with a big smile on her face. You look taller did you suddenly grow you know 3 inches? You're not funny she chuckles smacking his chest.

But I am glad to see you. I'm not thrilled to be here but I'd hate to cause trouble on such a special occasion. After all my best friend is getting married to my worst enemy. What could possibly go wrong? Everything now that you just cursed us Mr. Jinx it. I growl playfully smacking his chest. Sorry he says rolling his eyes. Then I see another figure up in the sky. Is that.... I don't finish my train of thought the figure comes straight at me knocking me over.

Jack! I call getting back up hugging him. I thought you weren't coming down till the wedding. Hey at least its not the only wedding I'll be at next time I just hope its at my own. When this all blows over I really need to talk to you. Well I'm not busy now we can talk now. No, no it needs to wait. I don't want to upstage anyone or anything. It can wait. Jack? I whine. No, no trust me it will all be worth it if you wait. I don't like surprises I frown. Come on you'll love this one I promise he says brushing my hair to the side, and kissing me.

Ok, ok. I guess I'll just have to wait then. In the meantime, if there's something, anything else you need from me I'd be more than grateful to help. Ooh you don't want to say that or let Alice hear you say that they'll put you to work. Just like the rest of us. Shut up Emmet. I scold. Yes ma'am he teases. Where is the groom to be? Probably getting himself in trouble. ET: Why must you have such little faith in me little sister. I feel him roll his eyes.

I look up to where he is as he smiles waving down at us. ET: Everything's looking great, I can't wait for tomorrow. You've done a great job I'm so proud of you. Come take a break, he nudges his head to the side from the balcony. I gotta go I giggle kissing Jack on the cheek and taking off. Alice tells Bella to go home and get some sleep. That night I go to spend the night. Edward goes to the house making sure she's not getting cold feet.

All the guys were gonna go do some kind of bachelor party thing. Everyone was going, the
Cullen boys and the cousins I wanted to go they were like hunting and things even Jack was going. I'm not sure if Jake was going or not I didn't think he was. But Edward had a story to tell us. That he told Bella that there was one thing she needed to know about him before they got married.

Farrah not even you know this story. What story? He told us the story about how he rebelled against Carlisle when he was first turned to see what it was like to taste human blood. When he finished we didn't care we weren't scared. To Bella and I both we saw him as a hero in disguise he saved more peoples lives then he killed. He had to tell himself that's what he was doing too. Wanted to make sure that Bella was ok with looking into the mirror and seeing monster once she was turned once she was just like us.

She said a year from now she wanted to be able to look into the mirror and see a person like him, or like me that we weren't monsters that were strong and brave and that's who she hoped to see a year from now. Then we felt Jasper and Emmett come up on the house jumping up on her window. They were there to get him for the bachelor party. He told her what that would entail. Once they left.... So, are we ready to go? Jack asked him.

Not yet. There is one more person against probably my better judgment that I want to come with us. After all after the wedding is all over we're trying to make a truce to bury the hatchet. It takes two to do that. And I'm also gonna prove that I don't need to be told what to do or to invite him and just go out of my way to invite him myself. You can try.

They came to Jake's. Edward knocked gently on the window to Jake's room. He rolled his eyes and opened the window. How may I help you? Come join us. For what and why? The guys are having a bachelor party we wanted to invite you to join us. The girls put you up to this? Nope he shook his head. Think of it more of a bury the hatchet kind of thing that we want to show the girls that we don't need them to tell us to do these things that we can get along on our own. What is this bachelor party entailing? Hunting.

Can I go in my wolf form? If you wish. Intriguing offer. Are you coming or what? I'll be right out then. Step back. Jake transforms. They go have the night of their lives. Tomorrow is the wedding. This was gonna be a long night. And a longer night for Bella since she was having terrible nightmares about going on a blood frenzy. But no one would ever let that happen. So come morning we headed right over to the Cullen house. Bella was getting ready while I went to go get the inside scoop of last night from the guys surprised by all the good things that I heard from them both. If anything they "bonded." After all like Edward says it does take two. 

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