The magic of family

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After convincing the guys or maybe not so much, but they walked away anyways, we came back inside, and told everyone what we had happened. That they'd leave us alone at least for now, expecting for him to do that. Inside Rosalie was trying to talk Bella out of her baby names.

She'd decided if it had been a boy that she wanted to name the baby EJ after Edward and Jacob the two most important guys in her life aside from our dad. And if it was gonna be a girl then she wanted to name it Renesmee Jade, a mix of our mothers names, and my middle name.

Before Jacob could say his opinion Edward cut him off, that he liked Renesmee that it was unique just like us, and our current situation. Aside from myself. And my sister is such a big part of everyone's lives that I'd want her middle name to be Jade after my sister's middle name.

Suddenly within the next few secs the pain went a way, and I got ready to do some magic. Call uncle Carlisle! Now! Rose give us some morphine. Get Bella up and ready, the baby is about to be born. Since Carlisle isn't hear right now, the girls and I will help deliver the baby. It's gonna be ok Bella. I tell her. I cast a spell that's supposed to take away a majority of her pain, and will help her with going through labor and would make the recovery easier on her body.

I knew she'd live through it I wasn't worried about that part, but no one else seemed to believe me. Bella wanted it out of her Alice said Carlisle was trying to get home as fast as he could. Close to the last sec, as we both Bella and I sense that the baby is having a hard time coming out, I remind my sister to just keep breathing, keep making her heart beat, not to give up.

She grabs my hand gently. Thank you. If anything should happen to me, boy or girl, they'll have you to look up to and follow after, it will be just like you. You're gonna be ok Bella. And because of it you'll get what you've always wanted. To be just like us, but it will take some time. It might not work at first, but you will make it through this. How do you know?

Because, I smile down at her.... Because of my magic, because we're twins and our twin powers have finally started working. Alice cant see either of your futures anymore, but I can. I know what happens. I know what's going to happen, just remember that I warned you, that you might not like it but you're gonna have to be ok with it in the end.

Why? Because, that because of your child it will bring the two families closer, EJ will have no choice but to get along, the wolves will have no choice but to leave us all alone, because of a wolf thing. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one Bella. Just tell me if my child is a boy or a girl.

A girl. And she's beautiful. Alice get Rose out of here. I'll handle the rest. She thinks that her daughter is beautiful. Once its all over, I take the baby, I knew in my mind and heart, that that's where Bella was going with that, that should anything happen to her that she'd want me to take care of them as if they were my own. At first Jake didn't want anything to do with the baby.

Word got spread that Bella was dead. Edward put his venom into her to help her. He was worried that she was dead. It wouldn't matter what I'd have to say. I got the baby all cleaned up. Rose was fine now. Edward was upset that he'd lost Bella, happy to have a daughter and glad to still have me.

But he wanted Bella to live more than anything. I placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with sad eyes. I "told" him she'd be ok, to just give it time. But he blew me off, and ignored me. But whether because of magic, or because of his venom Bella would be ok. I took her to my room.

I sensed Jacob come in. We both know you won't do anything. As angry and as upset as you are, you'd never lay a harmful hand on me, never hurt Bella even when everyone believes that she's dead, and now as of this moment you'll never hurt her, and never let anyone else hurt her. Like it or not with just one look we'll be one big happy.... I turn his head down to the child, and take his hand.

My eyes go white, I can hear his thoughts, see the future, see what he is seeing. Because of my powers and my magic powers. Once they realize that's what happened they can't touch her. I look up at him with a smile on my face, running my thumb over his hand. And its almost as if my niece, my Renesmee can feel it too, that they both know they're meant to be together, as she smiles up at him, almost like she's reaching out for him.

The wolves arrive, and surround the place. Rose comes into the room, and she picks her up from my arms. I'm fine I promise. She kisses the top of my head reassuring me. All the family come out. Jacob warns the pack that it's over now. And now everyone else knows what I know too. That Jacob has imprinted.

The biggest wolf rule, they can't touch her now. It's one of the only rules that can't be touched, that can never be broken. When we come inside, Edward is sent outside while the girls bathe and dress Bella in fresh clothing. When everything has been done, Edward is still worried. Hey, hey.... Look at me, it's just the morphine, let it spread, listen to that her heart is beating again. Look Edward I gesture to her.

You did well Princess. Thank you Carlisle. Bella's hair thickens back out, she gets a little bit of color back to not look as pale, as dead as did previously. She's breathing again, she looks fine. On top of the morphine, and your venom, she was already making a recovery because of Farrah's magic. Thank you Snow. I love you too. I tell him. I knew that particular thank you meant I love you.

Bella will get what she wants, and so will you. When I make a promise I keep it. What are you talking about. Hold that thought. He reaches for some of his venom. This will only hurt for a sec. He sticks me with the needle. What are you doing? I question. This hopefully will make it go faster. Lay down on the bed thing, and close your eyes. Carlisle do you have any fast sleeping stuff?

Wait, don't go. Go to my room, and grab some. What do you need it for? So that I won't hurt you. Why is this going over your head? And how? MT: He's gonna finally change me, to transform me, to make me a full vampire, he wants the sleep stuff so I won't feel it. Stop thinking and just lay down would ya? Close your eyes. He sprinkles the sleep stuff on me. Then bites me. He's right I don't feel a thing, and the venom helped the process.

Secs later, as fast as I blackened out I awoke again, at the same time now as my sister. We're just like them, I'm now and forever more truly 100% a vampire, I'll never be a hybrid again as long as I "live." But nothing will change on my part, I won't have to be trained again, or only drink blood, and I'd still be able to transform, I'm still part of both, but no longer a hybrid.

We were dead, but we'd never felt more alive then we did in that single moment. The moment we opened our eyes to be blood RED!

Aro and his clan would sure be pleased. They didn't need to be told. From this moment on we are one.

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