~ Meet up ~

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this story will probably be a short one- if yall really like it ill make another story dedicated to it


i couldnt sleep anymore. it was midnight and i couldnt sleep. so i got up out of bed and wrote a letter to wilbur. just to see if he was awake. i called over my bluejay and gave them the paper to send it over


i was midnight and i Couldnt sleep i went to my desk and started to draw to pass the time. i looked up and saw quackity's bluejay. i took the letter it read

Dear Wilbur,

hey buddy! you awake? i cant sleep right now :( if you are wanna sneak out and meet up at the pumpkin patch? ;) we can go and ecplore outside of the town

Sincerly, Your friend
~ quackity ~

i looked at the note and smiled a wrote a note back and sent it to quackity. meanwhile i got on a different outfit and decided to not put on my witch hat.


i waited a few minutes and my face bursted with joy when i saw wilburs crow. i immediately became flustered hoping he said yes.

i took the note off the ledge and the note read

Dear Quackity,

of course im down to sneak out! just make sure you dont wear your witch hat so no one knows we are under 18 ;) arnt we both 16?

Sincerly, Your friend
~ Wilbur ~

i sprung up out of my desk and ran to put on a outfit i liked. i made sure to leave behind my witch hat and i ran out the door and went to the tree in the middle of the pumpkin patch.

i sat down and waited for wilbur from there


i got up out of my desk when i sent the letter and put on a outfit i liked. i made sure to leave behind my witch hat. but before i left i brought a little sidebag to carry a few things in it.

i went to the pumpkin patch and saw quackity there with his eyes closed. i never thought i would see a day where quackity didnt have a witch hat on.

i sneaked up infront of him and touched his shoulders and yelled out


"AH! wilbur-!"

"haha-! did i scare you~?"

"well no duh! anyways lets go i have a beautiful spot we can go to!"


as we were walking i kept sneaking glances at him. god he looked so hot. his brown fluffy hair made it even better! his black ripped jeans and his flannel made him look so hot.. i snapped out of my thoughts and kept walking for a bit.

until we reached a pond with a bunch of flowers around it i sat down at a spot and he sat down with me.

"this is the place wilbur!"

"wow.. its beautiful.."

"hah! yeah right! i went here all the time when i was like 5-10 years old!"

"i have never been able to really leave my house-"

"awh.. im sorry wilbur.."

i kept sneaking glances i just couldnt handle it! he looked so cuteeee!

"hey wilbur wanna take a picture? i brought my phone!"

"sure why not!"

he scooted closer to me so close i could feel his warmth. my heart immediately started beating faster but i just took out my phone and took the picture

"say cheese!"

he posed and i took it


we stayed at the pond for about 4 hours before we realized it was 4 AM. we both headed home before our parents woke up.

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