~ Obsession Problems ~

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i stayed up all night staring at the picture that we took. everything was so perfect about him.. it made my heart warm everytime i looked at him. i looked at my desk window and saw his crow delivering a letter to me. i threw my phone on my bed and immediately rushed to get the paper.

the letter read

Dear quackity,

hey hotcakes ;)  you mind if i come over today? i asked my mom before i asked and she said i could so im asking you now :P

Sincerely, Your friend
~ Wilbur ~

i screeched. oh my god wilbur is coming!!'i quickly put away all my love letters and all the letters i kept from him and wrote a letter back

I waited a few minutes for him to respond and then i saw his bluejay coming over to my window i took the note and read it. the note read

Dear Wilbur
duh you can come over, my mom doesnt really care if someone comes over or not :P ill be waiting wilby :)

Sincerely, Your Friend
~ Quackity ~

i wasted no time and started going over to his house.


i quickly put on a different outfit and cleaned up my room as much as i could i lit my candles and inscents and the smell of jasmine and vanilla covered the whole room. i put on perfume and i smelt like peaches.

you could say i was going too far but i didnt wanna make it seem like im a dirty pig who's room is messy.. once my room was cleaned i heard my doorbell ring. i rushed down to stairs and opened the door.


"ello darlin!"

"cmon lets go to my room wilby"

i led him up the stairs and to my room

"hah! nice room duck boy!"

"duck boy!?!? now thats just rude"

"god your room has the most strongest scent ever- kinda like it"

"hah! i keep my room smelling like this like 24/7"

i obviously lied but whatever. i dont think he noticed.

"you got witchamonoly?"


"yep! i got it in my closet right here"

i pulled it out and we set up the game and started playing.

3 hours later


"you should've been the one to go bankrupt!! you had almost all the places on the map!"

"whatever duck boy"

"shut up bee boy"

"at least i dont get flustered at the name darling!"

"okay fine fine you won wilby"

while wilbur put up the game i re-lit the candle and lit a vanilla scented inscent

"its getting late wilby you gonna head home?"

"you mind if i stay over?"

i immediately became flustered

"ah.. i dont mind but i dont have anything for you.. we might have to.. s-share a bed"

"ah no problem its okay!"

i turned off the lights and climbed into bed wilbur followed along.

"good night wilby"

"good night darlin"

we both fell asleep peacefully


continuing quackity pov

when i opened my eyes i saw that wilbur was cuddling me. i immediately got flustered but stayed there cause i kinda liked it.. and he looked so peaceful and comfortable..

all of a sudden i heard my door open and i knew it was my mom. i immediately closed my eyes and i heard my mom say

"boys! wake up! oh.. did i disturb something~?"

"wha- MOM!!!"

i sat up and so did wilbur. wilbur obviously looked embarrassed

"oh ho ho~ you boys continue what you were doing~ im gonna be in the kitchen"

my mom closed the door and i looked at wilbur.

"im too tired for this.. im going back to sleep-"

"yea same.. guess its a good night for now darling?"


we both layed down and i felt wilbur wrap his arms around me again before i fell asleep.

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