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i woke up a few hours later wilbur still was cuddling me. we were so close that i felt his body warmth.. i blushed and wiggled out of his arms

"darlingggg~ come backkk"

"wha- wilbur-"

i sat up and hit him with my pillow


"thats what you get wilbur"

"but darlingg"

he started fake crying and i just chuckled and got up out of bed.

"come on wilby get up-"


he got up slowly and kissed me on the cheek i immediately blushed and he just laughed at me being all flustered.

i kissed him on the lips and quickly looked away all flustered



"hah. welp darling im going home now! see ya later ill make sure to write a letter!"

"see ya wilbur!"


i waited and waited at my desk until i finally saw his crow flying over. i read his letter. his letter read

DeAr QuackitY

hey hotcakes ;) my mom grounded me and now im not able to leave the house :P sorry we will just have to stick with letters :(

Sincerely, Your "Boyfriend"
~ Wilbur ~

i stared at the letter. i didnt think i was gonna recieve a negative letter. i took a pair of scissors out of my desk and cut out the parts i liked. which consisted of

"Hey hotcakes ;)"
"Sincerely, Your "Boyfriend" "

I taped it to the wall below my desk and i wrote a big heart around it in red marker. maybe i was going a bit too far but i loved him. i got up and wrote him back a letter.


i sighed sitting at my desk crying. i saw his bluejay delivering the letter and i took it and read it

Dear, Wilbur

Im so sorry to hear that wilby.. at least we can still deliver letters to eachother! and wilby.. i just wanna say.. i love you

Sincerely, Your "Secret admirer"
~ Quackity ~

i started writing another letter crying all over the paper


i waited for hours until i saw his crow flying over. i got the note and read it

Dear, Darling

I love you too darling. i dont know how long im grounded for but hopefully its not too long.

Sincerely, Your boyfriend

i took it and put it in a drawer with the others

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