~ Waiting ~ |LAST CHAPTER|

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i waited all day and there was no letter. i wrote him multiple letters and sent it to him that day but he hasnt responded..

A month later.

he still hasnt sent me any letter back.. at this point im about to go over to his house and see if he is okay.

a week later.

still no letters. i walked over to his house with a worried face and knocked on the door someone who im guessing is his mom opened the door.

"hello im here to check up on wilbur"

"oh yeah of course.. he is in his room upstairs"

she sounded worried so i walked in and went to his room. i knocked on the door


"what do you want..?"

"its me.. quackity"

he opened the door and he looked awful.. he looked like he hasn't ate in awhile.

"oh my god wilbur.."

"im fine quackity.."

i lunged at him pushing him to the ground tearing up.

"no your not wilbur! you dont seem okay.. why didnt you send me any letters!?"

"i didnt feel motivated to.. im sorry"

"whatever.. im making sure you eat today cmon we are going to my house."

i led him to my house and immediately forced him to eat food. he cried since he didnt want to.

"wilbur.. you have to eat. im checking up on you tomorrow send me a letter as soon as you get home okay."


i watched him walk out of the door. im hoping he is okay..

a month later


i waited and waited for him to send me a letter back. i went over to his house and knocked on the door

"is quackity here?"

"..you dont know wilbur..?"

"know what.."

"he commited and he passed away a week ago.."

"..oh.. can i please see his room..?"

"of course wilbur darling.."

i walked in and looked around. he had so many papers on the floor. all of them were my letters that i sent him throughout the years.. i went over to his desk and read the letter on it

Dear, Wilbur

if your reading this after i passed im sorry. i couldnt handle seeing you in pain anymore.. my life has always been pain apon pain. my dad has been abusing me every night. i hoped you could make me feel better but you didnt. im sorry you have to hear me go like this. but please. go on with your life and live a good life.. just for me.. but wilbur. there was something i have always wanted to tell you. i have had a crushed on you ever since i saw you. ever since we first met up and started hanging out since. i fell inlove. i love your personality and everything. im sorry i cant tell you in person but just know that i love you. i loved it when you called me darling.. sweetcakes.. hot cakes any nickname ever. even duck boy and duckling.. im so sorry you have to see me go like this.

i love you.
Sincerely, your lover

some stories end happily.. but this one didnt.. but all that wilbur knew was he had to keep pushing for quackity. its what he would have wanted..

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