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Deku POV

     I walk down the street to my school. Of course, its a Monday. The worst day of the week, The start of the week, otherwise known to kids/teenagers, school, this time I won't let anyone boss me around like last year.. and the year before that.. and the year before that.. I think you get my point.

    I arrive at my school and get ready for Kacchan, otherwise known as Bakugo Katsuki, to greet me with a mean comment.

   It doesn't bother me though, I've gotten used to it by now. "Move out of my way Extra." I heard from behind me feeling a shove on my shoulder, I knew it was Kacchan, who else would it be, My mother?

   I always just reply with "Sorry Kacchan!" or I just don't say anything and just go along my day, but this time is going to be different!

    "Jeez, look who's talking." Kacchan stops in his tracks, I gulp waiting for a harsh response. "What did you say to me?" Kacchan turn around and glares at me, although the glare looked more.. worried or proud is it?

    "You heard me." I stand stiff, gripping on to my book bag in the doorway of the school, students watching us from every angle. Kacchan drops his bookbag and walks to me, grabbing my shirt pulling me up to his face.

     "Your getting way to cocky." I shrugged and grinned, probably more intimidating then Kacchan's grin. Kacchan drops me and walks away, getting his bookbag on the way, putting his hands in his pockets. All the students watch him walk away.. so do I.

      What the hell is the matter with Kacchan? He would normally just kick the living shit out of me? I shrug my shoulders and follow Kacchan to class, Kacchan must have thought I was following him because he kept slightly looking behind him.

      We arrive at class at the same time. "Hey Deku, Come here!" I noticed Uraraka was waving me over to our little group. I jog over to them waving Hello. Of course everyone was wearing their Uniforms correctly but Kacchan and sometimes Shoji wear it kind of.. Unique I guess? 

      The Bell rings as we all head to random seats. Well shit, I was sitting behind Kacchan.. I wonder how this is going to turn out, I roll my eyes. Our New teacher rolls in with a yellow sleeping back around him and Introduces himself as Mr. Aizawa. We are all Freshman so we find this quite.. Odd?

       He gets out of his sleeping bag and starts a slow teach of math. I caught I few different subjects in there but I could really care less about what anyone teaches me, its all just going to be the same as last-. "Excuse me, Green Hair kid?" I look up from my desk and saw Mr. Aizawa was talking to me . "Are you listening to what I'm explaining young man?" I nod my head yes.

       Mr. Aizawa Cocks a eyebrow up "What are we learning about?" I think about the last thing he said about what we were learning and I risk it saying "Trigonometry".

        Aizawa nods his head and goes back teaching. I really have no idea about what he is teaching but I'm sure as hell lucky. I could tell Mr. Aizawa was just doing his job seeing if I was paying attention.

        30 Minutes later, Which felt like a decade, we heard the bell. We don't get up until Mr. Aizawa says Class dismissed, I'm guessing because of middle school. Mr. Aizawa Muffled a "Class dismissed" I got up first and went to 2nd period. The halls were crowded but I shoved through the crowd.

       I finally made it to 2nd Period! I looked around and saw Kacchan was the only one there. "Shit.." I whispered glancing at Kacchan as he glanced at me. "Shit indeed." Bakugo got up and walked to me having a hard glare. I glared up a Kacchan  to try and show him I'm not afraid. "Your getting real cocky ever since this morning, so what the hell is wrong?.." Kacchan said Sternly. "I haven't been cocky... its just that I don't like being talked down to like some butler of yours!" I Stand more higher than Kacchan.

          Students became flooding in before we could get away, we got smashed against each other from being stepped on. I got the worst of it since I was on top of Kacchan, that probably made me look gay. God Dammit! As soon as the students stopped flooding in I sprang up and ran to my seat.

           Kacchan is still laying there, probably from brain damage or just pure shock. Long after i got up he got up and went to the seat beside me and put his head down.

                                                                          ~After Every Class~

          Yes, Finally, the hell side of my life has ended for a short amount of time! I like science, i mean like a lot! So everyday after school I go to my fathers old work to look at new inventions interns have made to get in. I run to my fathers work into the "New Inventions" room looking around with sparkles in my eyes. 

          Something catches my eye and i turn to it. It was a.. Spider? Whats so special about a spider? I open the box that it was in and took it out gently. "Aww aren't you cute" I softly pet it with my pinky. I feel a sharp Pain, something going through my veins with high speed, probably faster than the speed of light. The Pain goes away at the same time it appeared. Weird.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ I'm Sorry! I tired and I want time to chill so I'll update this story more if i get some likes :>. Night! ♥ ~Narrator/ Ziek  

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