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I watch the red guy pull out both of his katanas and threaten the man with them. "Oh, so you're the guy I was looking for.." The red man said. The other man examined him in hatred. "The poor clothing and the intent to -" He continued but was interrupted by the man slicing at him. He hit his mask along with his suit. Showing the muscle and blonde hair behind the clothing. I see the leather of the mask scrunch up, where the nose is supposed to be. "Motherfucker!" He shouted at the carrier of the knife. In one slice of the Katanas he held, the man's head popped of his torso, squirting blood from it. "I made this suit myself, you ass" He said, putting his katanas back into his harness. I watch the body of the knife guy thud onto the ground, the head rolling on the ground towards my feet. I step back with fear, but trip, falling on my back. A splash of blood stained the bottoms of my feet. The suit man came closer to me, holding out his hands to help me get up. I stared at him, wide eyed with shock. He stared at me. I watched his hair start to tear at his mask. I cleared my throat and pointed at my head where the hair would be poking out, if it were mine. He tilted his head and felt around that spot. The eyes on the mask went wide. His hair looked familiar.. Blonde- Suddenly with the blink of an eye, he disappeared. I searched around, struggling to get up. I saw a group of people under the building I was on. Men busted from the doors on the building and looked around. I quickly went into a alleyway and threw away the mask in a big smelly dumpster, that contained mixed foods and condiments. I fixed my hair and walked out of the alley way, security men almost bumping into me while they passed. 

      I saw a familiar brown haired girl run out of the building and search around. Her eyes met mine and she raced towards me. She caught me in her arms and squeezed me. "Oh my god, I'm so glad you're ok!" She yelled, with a sigh of relief. I patted her back with reassurance. I couldn't help but think about that man.. or was it a boy?
"Deku, are you ok?" She asked me. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her with reassurance. "Yeah, sorry I zoned out.." I apologized. Pass Uraraka's shoulder I saw Kacchan coming out of and alley way with red cloth in his hands. Uraraka, seeing me look at something other than her, she look towards him as well. "Is that Bakugo?" she spoke to herself. I stood silently, examining the red cloth hanging from his hands. "Hey Bakugo!" She shouted to him. Kacchan quickly turned his head and saw the both of us, then ran. "Weirdo.." Uraraka mumbled under her breath. "If he heard you say that, he would definitely beat your ass, despite you being a woman.", "Oh cmon, he's not that heartless to women. Anyways, want to get something to eat? I heard there was a new diner by the auto repair store, and I thought it would be cool to check out!" My mind cut out Uraraka immediately, I could feel my body changing from the inside and out. "Deku?? You home?" She sung, dragging me out of my thoughts. "Oh, sorry. I have to do something at home.. I have to.. paint my nails! Yup, there's a new trend going around.. anyways bye-bye!" Saying my final words to her, I scurried off back to my home and back to my room. My adrenaline rushed with excitement to learn about the powers I have gained. It was also rushing due to the man I was with. He was so extroverted it made my cheeks glow red, and my body ran hot, mostly my cheek, though. I slapped my own cheek, trying my best to get the thought about that man out of my head. "He didn't even seem that bad nor ugly under his mask.. AH! What?!- I can't say that, I'm a man!" My face flushed red once more. I sighed to myself and began my work on my powers, learning more about them every minute and use. My head still rang like a bell with that man. Why am I still calling him man?!.. his name is Deadpool, or so he told me.

A few mornings later

"IZUKUU!" I heard my mom yell for me. I sit straight up at my desk from the shout. My face was sticky from the webs I kept experimenting on. I also had a green suit I had came up with the example of Professor Toshinori, with the color alternated, of course. My mother shouted my name once more, making my head feel like a church bell after church. "YES, MOM?!" I shouted back. I didn't get an answer. Annoyed, I spring up from my chair, get changed into normal clothes, too lazy to take off the suit, and stomp downstairs to where my mom stood with a list, written with glittery green ink. "Could you run a couple of arrands for me? I have a couple of things I need to do specifically today, and I can't fit this stuff in." I nod at her request and snatch the list from her hand. Still in my close from yesterday, I put on a heavy jacket and walked out the door, only slippers on my feet. As soon as I walk out of my house, I run into a familiar height, familiar smell, familiar blonde hair, familiar - it's Kacchan if you haven't guessed yet. "What the hell, lettuce?!" He shouted. I state at him, unamused. "Did you come up with that one alone or did you ask your middle school besties?" I asked him, cocky because of my development of my new powers. I could only hear Kacchan scoff, his usual scoff, and turn away, only to look back once again. "Are we going or what, extra?" He grumbled. "Going where?", "You're so fucking slow.." he sighed, stomping back over to me, snatching the errands list away from me. "THIS, SPECIAL ED," I stare at him blindly. "My name is Izuku, y'know." I reminded him, thinking he totally forgot my name completely because of all of the nicknames he has for me. Sounds kind of lovey, dovey, doesn't it? Completely misunderstood, I get it. "I didn't ask, Deku." He began to walk towards the grocery store just across the street. "HEY!" I shouted after him, running out into the street to get to the grocery store. Headlight began to shine on me as soon as I stepped foot on the second lane. Before it was too late, I was facing the eye of 'truck-kun'. I prepared for impact, forgetting all about my newly developed powers. I felt an arm scoop around my waist and bring me to the edge of the street, nearly to the sidewalk. Was it 'Deadpool' again?. I looked at my savior, it was Kacchan, but doesn't he hate me?? His muscles feels just like Deadpool's.. "Shit! You dumbass, do you not have the common sense to not run out into the middle of the road?! You are as slow as you look." He said in a worried tone, though he looked mad.. RBF much? "Why the hell are you getting onto me if I was the one following you?!", "WHAT ARE YOU, A CHILD?!" He yelled in my ear. My anger level went all the way up, I tried to push him away, though his shirt stuck to my hands like before. 

"Shit- What the hell is your problem? Are you screaming just to get me to go deaf?!" I tried pulling my hand off his shirt. "You have no reason to hate me, so why hate me now?!-" suddenly, there was a crash and a bang down the street, voices screaming and yelling. Both Kacchan and I had looked at each other before parting ways into Alleys. Since I didn't go far from my house, it didn't take long to throw my clothes in the window and put on the stuff I had made last night. I put on a hoodie over it to keep me warm. I came out of my window and sprinted until I ran into ANOTHER familiar figure, jesus, how many familiar figures am I going to run into?? But this time it was Deadpool, who had grabbed my waste a caught me. "Well Hello there my spider in training." he tweeted, I instantly pushed him away and dusted myself off. "Don't touch me! I don't know where you've been!" I shouted at him, receiving what I guess was him rolling his eyes? "You off to saved the world, spidey?" he asked, putting stuff in his book bag and tossing it against the wall. I pitched in when keeping it safe by shooting spider webs at it to attach to the wall. "Of course I am, and who are you trying to kill this time?" I fixed my webs, twisting the knob in aiming. "Mm.." he pulled out a photo and tossed it to me. "This guy!" I examined it and it looked exactly like.. my dad?! I started to take off my mask to get a better view but deadpool quickly pulled it down, "If it's you, I don't want to know." I shook my head and tossed the photo. "Why he be your target when he is already.. yk.. dead?"




HEYY been a long time huh? Wellll Idk if I should continue this because I'm kind of out of my MHA phase but then again I might try to continue other stories. Please feel free to give me recommendations!!- Authors note.

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