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"What did he tell you?" Juana asks, sitting me down on the kitchen. She slides a plate stacked with Buñuelos in front of you. You only stare at it, fiddling with your fingers as you sit down. Carlos takes a seat on the kitchen bench. He plays with hair, uninterested in the conversation.

"Not much. He was going to take me into that room," you say, trying to give as little information as possible. Juana nods, turning to Carlos.

"Don't go into that room. Ever," he growls. He grabs your arm tightly and stares at you directly in your eyes. You pull away, flinching at the pain.

"Ow. Carlos jeez I wasnt going to," you lie, yanking away. He instantly realises his agression and looks away, scoffing. He walks off, leaving you and Juana to talk, with Deidre listening somewhere.


"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch," Carlos growls, storming off towards his room. He kicks open his door, pacing towards his full body mirror. He left you at the kitchen, ashamed of how he lashed at you. He was loosing control, and he didn't like it.

"Show yourself," he demands. A boy, looking almost identical to him appears within the mirror. The boy crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. Unlike Carlos, the other half of his face isn't converted with his hair, and he has a yellow ruana instead of a maroon one.

"What do you want?" The boy replies bluntly.

"Have you talked to them?" Carlos growls, clenching his fists.

"Who?" The boy replies, looking away. Carlos bangs his fist against the glass, and the boy steps back in shock.

"Don't play dumb with me Camilo!" Carlos snarls. Camilo shrugs, a smug smile on his face. Carlos almost goes insane, but stops suddenly, a smile growing on his face. "What would happen if something was to say... happen to them? An accident so to say." Camilo's smile drops instantly, a scowl forming.

"You wouldn't dare," Camilo replies, coming against the glass of the mirror in a panic.

"I'll torture them, just to prove to you that I don't care," Carlos snarls.

"No dont! Please!" Camilo pleads in a panic, shooting forward at the glass. Carlos looks at him in surprise.

"Well well necio, it seems you have a certain interest in Y/n," Carlos replies, raising an eyebrow. Camilo turns away, a scowl on his face. This makes Carlos even more amused. "Too bad they could never fall for their own reflection." Camilo turns away, arms crossed. He hated to admit it but Carlos was right, there's no way You'd fall for your all reflection who you think is a talking house.

Carlos waits for his response, and when he doesn't get one, he shrugs, smirking.

"Me, on the other hand. Well I can charm anyone. Including your precious Y/n," Carlos murmurs, turning a side eye to Camilo while grinning.

"They would never choose someone like you," Camilo retorts. But he doubts himself, knowing that Y/n certainly feels something for Carlos. So much that Camilo feared you'd even considering joining them.

"Oh you don't know much do you other me~" Carlos slurs, leaning closer. "I'll prove it to you."

"You dont even care for them! Your heart is incapable of love," Camilo argues, staring at Carlos in disbelief as he chuckles. Camilo knew he was wrong again. Carlos had nearly died for you, and since he hasn't tried to kill you yet, it was obvious he had feelings for her.

"Wrong again necio. I want them to be all mine!" Carlos whispers, pressing closer against the mirror. Camilo knew Carlos was crazy, and that he did indeed feel something for Y/n. And Camilo hated to admit that he didn't have much of a chance with you, especially since he was stuck in a mirror.

"Just treat them right," Camilo replies sadly, turning away in dismay. Carlos knows he's won, but secretly it felt good to finally admit he wanted you, even if it was to his obnoxious twin. Still, the disappointed look on Camilo's face boosted Carlos's ego, giving him a boost of confidence.

"Oh I'll treat them like a prince/princess," Carlos replies smugly. Camilo forces a smile, at least he'll treat them right... hopefully. Camilo couldn't let Carlos have the satisfaction of seeing him defeated.

I need to be happy, no matter what. I can't let my feelings get in the way, he thinks to himself, a grin suddenly forming on his lips. Carlos was taken aback by his other sides sudden mood swing.

"Oh his heads swinging Carlos's in love," Camilo teases, dancing. Carlos's face gets redder, embarrassment overcoming him. He didn't like being humiliated, especially by Camilo.

"Shut up," Carlos mumbles, his brow furrowed. Camilo keeps dancing, repeating his chant over and over again, infuriating Carlos. Annoying Carlos always made Camilo feel better, and he figured he didn't do it enough.

"Carlos's in love with Y/N! Carlos is in love with Y/N!" Camilo chants, mocking the boy. Carlos turns angrily towards Camilo, before punching the glass again, a small crack resulting from the punch.

"And you'll be there watching, never being in love, never being able to talk to them. You'll simply fade away. Whatever connection you had with anyone will fade away, and you'll be forgotten by everyone, even Y/n," Carlos growls, an infuriated scowl on his face. Camilo looks down, a few tears threatening to roll down he face. He tries to hold back the wave of emotion hitting him, but Carlos was right. He'll be forgotten by everyone, even the one person he thought cared about him.
You take the stairs up towards Carlos's room, following him shortly after he stormed off on you. You reach the door, only to hear voices from inside. You press your ear against the door, trying to listen in.

You can't make out what he's saying, but he's definitely talking to someone. Who, is the question. You try to make out what he's saying, with no luck. There's a sudden banging sound, and you immediately open the door, fearing something could've happened to him.

Must hurt huh, other me~" Carlos slurs, before turning to you in surprise. He immediately stands up and looks over to the mirror. That's the mirror you talk to casita through, but he wouldn't be talking to the casita.

"Talking to a mirror hmm? Are you sure Juana healed you?" You tease with a laugh. He rolls his eyes, sighing with relief. You cock your head. He must be hiding something, you think. And you want to find out what. "What are you hiding?"

"Nothing, why are you so nosy?" Carlos replies defensively, looking away. You lean closer, a grin on your face.

"Oh now I know you're hiding something," you reply, leaning closer to him, smiling. Carlos backs up, avoiding eye contact with you. He seems annoyed, but also another emotion... something you can't put your finger on.

You keep nagging him, until he shoves you against the wall, pinning you there for a second. You're stunned into silence, staring at him while he glares at you.

Your face goes red, and you look away, smiling nervously. You try to contain the butterflies in your stomach, but he's so close you can almost touch him. He finally realises what he's doing and how it's affecting you. He smiles, chucking for a moment. He leans beside your ear.

"Don't get too flustered Cariña," he whispers in your ear, smirking. He pulls away, making eye contact. You stand frozen in shock, unsure of how to react to him.

"I—" you stop, knowing no real words will be able to escape your lips. He keeps you against the wall, then turn away, giving a side eye towards the mirror, grinning victoriously as he exits the room. You're paralysed, still processing what just happened. Your heart pounds in your chest, doing cartwheels.

"I have a crush on him," you mutter to yourself, unable to believe the events that just occurred. "I can't have a crush on him, can I?"

The Madrigals? // Villain Encanto AUWhere stories live. Discover now