Kayla's First Day

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Today is Kayla's first day of school as I am getting her ready I think about how fast this time went by. It feels like yesterday I was in the hospital holding her for the first time.
"Mommy I'm hungry" said Kayla
"Okay baby lets go in the kitchen so that I can fix you something"
When I walk into the kitchen I see Dre putting oatmeal and orange juice on the table for Kayla. It's hard for me to remember that he's here sometimes because I'm so used to seeing Jason instead of Dre. I put Kayla in the chair so that she can eat her breakfast.
"Goodmorning" said Dre
"Good morning and thanks for fixing Kayla something to eat"
"Why are you thanking me she is my daughter isn't this what I'm supposed to do"
"Yeah but you haven't always done it so I might as well thank you when you do"
"Why you always have something negative to say"
" I'm not negative I'm just saying are you going with me to take Kayla to school"
"Of course its my princess first day"
Dre picks Kayla up out of the chair and tells her to go get her book bag. She runs to sofa and puts her bookbag on.
"Mommy I'm ready"
"Okay I pick her up and take her to the car"
After I buckle her in I wait for Dre to come out of the house. He finally decides to come after 10 minutes. 'Kayla was going to be late if you took any longer"
"Can we not do this right now"
When we pull up to Kayla's school my heart starts beating really fast and I can feel my eyes starting to get watery. Dre unbuckles Kayla and we walk her to her class. When we get to her class the teacher asks us to sign her in. I look at all the other kids and I see them playing and looking so happy. I really don't think I'll be able to let her go. I look down a Kayla and I pick her up and give her a hug and a kiss.
"I love you baby"
"I love you too Mommy"
She reaches for her daddy and gives him a hug and a kiss. Kayla runs over to her cubby and puts her book bag on the hook and she starts to play with the other kids. When I see her playing I decide that we can go because I see she's okay. As I'm walking to the car I realize that my baby's growing up so fast. When we get back to the car I break down in tears because it's hard for me to let her go. Dre comes around the car and holds me in his arms and tells me everything is going to be okay. As we drive away I'm starting to think he's right I just have to understand there are going to be many more first days and a lot more times when I'm going to have to let go and let her experience for herself. It's so hard for me though because that's my baby. When we get back to the house Dre starts to get ready for work and I decided I was going to take a nap so that I won't be tired for my afternoon class. When I wake up I see I have a missed call from my sister. It has been forever since I heard from her and I was anxious to see what she wanted.
" Hello"
"Hey it's Kymiah I saw you called me I was taking a nap"
"I was calling to see if you were busy this weekend"
"No I don't have any plans why wassup"
"I was calling to see if you wanted to come out here this weekend for a family gathering at my house"
"I would but money is a little tight right now"
"I knew you would say that so I got a little money together so that we got enough money together to bring all of y'all here"
"I don't know"
"Come on it'll be fun"
"Okay well when Dre gets home I'll talk to him and let you know"
"Okay well I'll talk to you later I love you"
"I love you too"
I really wasn't expecting to hear from my sister but I can't worry about that now I have to go and get Kayla from school. When I walk into Kayla's school I so excited to hear how my baby's first day went. I go into her class and she runs to her cubby grabs her bookbag and runs into my arms.
"Mommy I missed you where's daddy"
"I missed you too daddy's at work you ready to go"
We walk outside and head home. When we get home I start dinner so it'll be ready when Dre gets home so I can head to my class. As soon as I get done with dinner I help Kayla with her work and we start to talk about her day. After talking to Kayla I decide to get her ready for bed. I go upstairs and get Kayla ready to give her a bath.
She runs upstairs and looks at me.
"Yes mommy"
"Its time to take your bath so you can get ready for bed"
Kayla comes into the bathroom and I start to undress her and give her a bath. After her bath I hear Dre coming upstairs.
"Hey how was work"
"It was good I'm just a little tired"
"Oh okay well I'm going to go to my class could you get Kayla situated and ready for bed"
"Yeah she hasn't ate yet dinner is downstairs on the stove and I wanna talk to you about something when I get home"
I get Kayla lotioned down and into her pajamas and give her to Dre. I hug and kiss Kayla and Dre leans in to kiss me. I grab my backpack out of the bedroom and head to school.

Life With Kayla: A sequel to A Bedroom Thug (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now