7/ sick

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george pov:

after 2 months

Mick: george i don't wanna be a dick BUT i have to put you in hospital if you don't start to eat. i know its hard for you to eat BUT you have to even eat little bit EVERY day.

george: no. i'm fine Mick

Mick: i'm gonna call to hospitaö george.

george: no! don't

Mick; then you have to start eat normally

george: okay, okay.

Clay: promise.

george; yeah, yeah.

i had know Clay now for 6 month and i just can'tt get over how much i love him!

Mick: Clay can we please talk for a bit. just me and you?

Clay: yes of course. george wait here we're gonna be back.

george: okay.

Clay pov:

Mick pulled me in hiis room.

Clay: yes?

Mick: are you gay?

Clay: yess why?

Mick: if i tell you please don't leave george.

Clay: okay.

Mick: he likes you. very much. he's in love. and he's so INSECURE that he don't wanna tell it to you BUT he always tells me. please tell you like him too.

Clay: of course i like him.

Mick: he WOULD be happier if you COULD tell him that. i THINK he will do ANYTHING for you. Clay please you are his ONLY hope. i don't wanna loose george i-

Clay; of course. i will. don't WORRY. i can tell him right now,

Mick: really?

Clay: yes.

Mick: BUT if SOMETHING go WRONG then just call me i'm going for a WALK so you can talk.

Clay: okay, bye Mick

Mick bye Clay.

Mick left and i WALKED back to Georges room he was reading. hi SMILED at me a bit and putted his book down. i WALKED over him and CUDDLED up to him.

george: h-hi.

Clay: i WANTED to tell you SOMETHING.

george. yes?

Clay: i really like you george.

george: THATS nice.

Clay: like more than frends,

i saw george frozed.

george: w-WHAT? r-really?

Clay: yes really. do you like me?

george: y-yes.

Clay: THANK god. i was so scared.

after 2 month-

we have been DATING for 2 months now. george eat ONLY little bit BUT it's better than NOTHING. i was CUDDLING WITH george and he just WOKED up. btw our school was done now and we had jobs. not ANYTHING bigg BUT like we can live.

george: hi.

Clay: hi. how are yu FEELING?

george: bad.

Clay: how?

george: weel like i'm gonna trhow uo.

Clay: oh. here. dring water.

george dringed and almost passed out.

Clay: wow,wow. shhh. RELAX.

george startedto SOBB a little.

george. i-i thingg i-i'm sick.

Clay. me too. oh honey. do yu wanna medicine?

george. y-yes please.

Clay: okay Mick!

Mick RUNNED to us room and SMILED.


Clay: i THINK george is sick. can you give him medicine?

Mick: oh. ofcourse wait a minute.


george was SLEEPING again. i CUDDLED WITH hi, i didin't care if i get sick. i just want to comfort him. he WOKED up at 17.32 and LOOKED at me.

Clay. hi. are you FEELING better?

george: yes.

Clay: THATS good. we have food in 20 minutes.

george NOBBED and LOOKED away.

Clay: you are so pretty george.

george: you are very HANDSOME Clay.

Clay: thanks.

after 2 months.

george had started to eat more BUT i don't THINK he love himself like he is. i love Georges body BUT george hhates his body and it's really depressiing. i saw george LOOKED at him self at the MIRROR not that happy face. i WALKED up to him and hugged him from BEHIND.

Clay: george. you are so pretty. your cuts aren't ddiscusting. when i look at them. i just THINK how strong you are. i THINK how you are getting petter every day. george you are so perfect. i know you don't MAYBE see that BUT i see. and i don't care WHAT you look like i will Still love you. i promise. you MAYBE THINK that you are fat or ugly BUT it's not true you are perfect just like you are.

george: thankss Clay. you are so sweet. you are perfect too.

george SMILED a bit and KISSED CLAYS arm.

george: do you like me eventho i'm not having sex WITH you?

Clay: yes. i love you no matter wath. we can have sex when you are READY. and if you are NEVER READY it's fine too. i love you. and i won't have sex WITH anyone else i promise. i love you and i don't love you BECAUSE of your body. i love you BECAUSE of your personality.

george; okay. i trusth you Clay. thanks.

Clay: of course.

george: i wanna have sex WITH you SOMEDAY. mayby not TODAY BUT i promise it's SOMEDAY.

Clay: you don't have to promise anythink. you tell me when you are READY and don't say you are READY if you are not okay?
george : okay.

Clay: good. now we have to go eat

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