mini story and AUs

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Run down:
All of sabres series collide

So, there was only one story and it was 4-5 sentences so I going to do some other things. I would of make stort stories, but I can't. Ever time I think of one I made it really long.

I was thinking of putting in AU ideas in here. You guys can take the AU idea, if you want and make it into your own story
The only story here:

Shout out to my group:

Normal text- talking
*This text* action,moving, thinking
-outside of the story-
Story(s) now

Sabre: HE IS MY SON!
Sabre: Yep
Alex: ReEarEaeEa
Guardian:Alex calm-
Then we never continued. I wish we did though but that was my fault. I Never responded back to that. I went on to a question instead. :|
AU ideas now! - a lot will be every series combined cuz I like doing that,but if you don't like that. You can take that out.

|Free from a nightmare|
What if The entire time void was controlled by Dread Steve? Even though Colle destroyed dread Steve there was apart of Dread controlling Seer. Seer witness every single action he did, but he finally broke free from the strings that was held to him. He past out, but met Sabre.

(This is actually apart of my AU)

Hated friends
What if Sabre was friends with Colle and Seer? Void didn't know of this, but secret cracked. When some of Sabres friends and Sabre confronted void, but Sabre yelled a name to void out of anger. He yelled something on the lines of ......Seer....

Sun to Shadow
What if during the speech of the corrected sun. Around the lines when Sol said. "Look, still trying to see his power even without that evil sword he used to possess." A shadow appeared. Not just any old shadow. A shadow of Sabre... Shadow sabre...

Dark to good
What if Sabre came back into the timeline and reintroduce himself. Days, or weeks, later. Someone else came back. No one they thought they would ever see but they did.
Dark Steve is Back with Sabre!

Past Darknesss Vs future
When Sabre was corrupted. He when to the rainbow hub were soul and corruption were behind him. To the fronted him was light, violent leader and some yellow Steves and Violet Steve's. When Shadow/ corrupted Sabre went to attack a portal opened and came a future. Sabre from the future

P. Shadow Vs Sabre and Shadow

Memories of a twisted
In episode 8 of TR. When twisted and Sabre we're talking memories hit both of them. Twisted remembered how he was hypno and more. Sabre remembered everything, but still with the memories from before for both of them. Twisted asks. Sabre.? And Sabre asks. Hypno

( In this story hypno is twisted)

What if Sabre snapped during Sols speech? And he told them things that he never thought he'll say. As Sol was harassing Sabre. Sabre snap at the "Look still trying to seize power even without that evil sword used to possess" all the other things triggered him, power? Power?! Sabre yelled back
(All the series combined- if want to)

Better then the leader
What if Sabre when to help light at the camp were the guards train/ The colorless guard outpost, but one the guards decided it was a good idea to make fun of Sabre. "What's he doing here? Isn't he to week to fight?" The guard said. Light was about to yell, but sabre stop him. You want to fight? The guard agreed and they both were ready. Sabre had no weapons, but the guard had the shield and spear. The guard ran to him. Sabre did a flip over him and duck. The guard swung sword around not expecting Sabre to duck. When the weapon passed over sabre immediately got up and turned around. He grab the top of the shield and pulling it forward so that the top was facing towards him and the bottom to the guard. Sabre Chuck the shield to the guard the bottom of the shield hit the guard in the stomach. Sabre won not to long after. Everyone was surprised...
(Every series combined, he's got to have good fighting skills by now- if want to)

Sun spy
What if there was a time when one of the corrected suns member broke into Sabre's house, but instead of leaving he watched Sabre and learn things no one else knew about Sabre and learn how hard it was for Sabre. The corrected sun is yellow Steve. That's how he can keep up with Sabre.
( Ever series combined- if want to)

Secret corruption
What if corruption Steve was like shadow Sabre to Indigo leader? Corruption wouldn't be able to do as much as shadow but he's still there in indigo's mind. Correction came out of nowhere, but Sabre can also see corruption. Indigo does not know of Sabre being able to see corruption or that Sabre also had shadow.

Darkness is here
What if Sabre came back to the timeline and was on a walk In a forest but something attack him. He was tackled down to ground when he look up he saw a darkness had tackled him down. Sabre got the Darkness off of him and slammed it into a tree. The darkness look ready for a fight But when Sabre was standing over it and then puted out a sword. It was afraid. Sabre puted the sword up.WAIT, WAIT IM SORRY! The darkness yell at Sabre. Sabre was surprised. He got down to the darkness is level. What? Sabre ask

A old blue
What if during sol speech. A portal open with a blue friend came through. That blue friend. was friend with Sabre in a way. It was blue Steve but not any blue Steve. Blue Steve from Steve saga. The one started almost all of it. The one told Sabre to build a machine. The one that the sacrifice himself to make rainbow. came back from everything that happened.

I have some many many ideas for AUs! And sorry that this wasn't what you probably expected. I am sorry for that.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next one

Words: 1064

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