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"Tiziana!" Younger Francesco shouts at his sister, "Turn that off! I wanna watch F1 before the last lap!"

"No! I want to watch this. Besides, American races are molto più emozionanti *much more thrilling.*" Tiziana answered, angry at her older brother due to the continuous interruptions.

"That's just not true!"

"Shhh, Francesco! It's The King! He's a legend!" She said in amazement, "Oh, look! He's about to win the Piston Cup again! I wanna be just like him when I grow up."

"Oh, stai zitto, Tizi, you are way better than those American racers. F1 is better for you, qui con la vostra famiglia *here with your family.*"

The small girl stayed silent for a bit, thinking that maybe her brother was right and she should stay at home and continue with the family legacy. But being as stubborn as only she could, she said, "Well... I guess I'll have to prove to you and mamma and papà and everyone who guesses that I won't make it to the Piston Cup. Oh, and I promise that I'll be the first girl to get the Piston Cup for the first time!"

He's speed BUT I AM FASTER (Cars human AU Francesco's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now