Chapter 1

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"I can't believe I'm on my way to my first race for the piston cup to get sponsors."

"Yeah, a dream come true!" My brother said with a sarcastic tone and rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up!" I said. Me and my brother, the Infamous Francesco Bernoulli, were traveling from our home town in Italy to Florida, just a week before the season started. I decided to come to America and become a Nascar racer instead of following my family's steps and being a F1 racer.

"Hey Tizi, are you sure you want this? I can always get you a sponsor back in Italy, even better I can let you be in my team, maybe you could compete in the Europe cup next season!" I just shaked my head not knowing how to make him stop, "We could always go back on the next flight, mamma would be very happy and papà could give you the car he's been working on."

"As tempting as that offer may sound, preferisco non accettarla (I rather not accept it) I wanna make up my own name, not have a family legacy people can compare me to!" I stopped for a second, not sure if he already figured it out or if I could keep my secret for longer. My mind was rushing! If I ask him I'll have to deal with him getting angry at me, but if he finds out after I race he won't talk to me ever again. I almost whispered, "Which is why I decided to change my public name." I nervously smiled waiting for a reaction.

He lost his shit, only as my brother would:

"Come puoi farci questo? Alla nostra famiglia? Riesci a vedere oltre i tuoi modi egoistici? Cosa direbbero la nonna e il nonno in questo momento? Ti vergogni così tanto di appartenere alla nostra famiglia? Sono sicuro che preferiresti che fossimo americani! Ma gli americani sono sicuramente sopravvalutati! *How can you do this to us? To our family? Do you even see past your selfish ways? What would granny and grandpa say right now? Are you that embarrassed of being from our family? I'm sure you would prefer us to be Americans! But Americans are surely overrated!*" He yelled (in Italian) while coming out of the airport's gates.

"Beh, in realtà non mi interessa perché mamma e papà lo sanno già e a loro non importa, basta che io sia felice! *Well, I really don't care because mom and dad already know and they don't care as long as I'm happy!*

"Pensavo che tu saresti stato lo stesso e anche di più! Ma a quanto pare non ti interessa la mia felicità, beh, in ogni caso puoi andare ora! *I thought you'd be the same and more! But apparently you don't care about my happiness, well either way you can go now!*

"Sono sicuro che c'è un volo che torna direttamente a casa da un momento all'altro e non ci sono problemi per me. *I'm sure there's a flight going directly back home any moment now and there's no problem for me.*

Tu andrai a casa e io andrò in albergo, vincerà la gara e ti giuro che avrò il miglior sponsor *You'll go home and I'll go to the hotel, win the race, and I swear to you, I'll get the best sponsor* and I promise I'll be the best racer you'll ever see in your famous miserable life!" I yelled back in tears.

People looked at us, the Americans seemed scared and the people from home seemed equally confused.

Francesco stood there without one word coming out of his mouth. I started searching for a taxi. People passed me walking with my bags. When I finally looked back after finding no taxi who would take us. Maybe the reason for that was that they witnessed the show or no one could take us because they were too busy. Going from left to right waiting for a cab to finally take us took 45 minutes. We both got to the hotel and after an hour and a half of silence between siblings Francesco asked, "What's gonna be your new name now?"

I actually thought of that a lot. A name that wasn't known, not too American, not too Italian. Something that could be known without problems. I also wanted to commemorate my famiglia, like having them near me even if I didn't take their name on the road. So I took a deep breath.

"Now, I'm proud to present the one and only, who comes from far in the Mediterranean sea: Francine Ford!" I added to my, all so extra, presentation jazz hands hoping to lighten the mood and prevent another blow out from my dearest brother. 

He's speed BUT I AM FASTER (Cars human AU Francesco's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now