Chapter 3

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"Ok... I can do this. I'm sharper than the sharpest, I'm faster than the fastest, I am light." I talk to myself under my breath trying to calm myself down. The most important race of the season was about to start, I had one hand on the wheel and the other waiting to change the gear. My foot was over the accelerator ready for the race to start.

I hear it.





I leave my place as fast as I possibly can, passing through many other racers. I'm going for the win. Already third but another rookie was blocking the way, his name was 'Something' Mcqueen but I really didn't care, up until now. I'm going to win the race, because that'll be my way of making history. Can you imagine? The first female rookie racer to win the piston cup in an awful long time. After my first few races, people started calling me ultraviolet, because I went so fast it created the illusion of a purplish blue blur.

Strip 'The King' Weathers was going first then it was a fight between McQueen and I when Chick Hicks passed us both from the side. I finally got to pass McQueen and by then I picked up a bit more speed and passed Hicks. Everything was a blur after that. I think I saw Hicks shoving one of the other racers into another making them all crash.

It was a massive crash.

"Oh, merda *oh shit*" I started to slow down.

"Stop before you crash too!" My Crew Chief yelled.

"If I stop I'll never catch up!" I try to cool down while maintaining the car at its speed and trying not to crash: 190 mph. Already a bit more calmed down I look around for spots for me to go through without dying. "If I go through those two cars I will continue in the race..."

"But it's too risky! Stop right now and wait for everything to get better!" I took off my headset that let me hear my Crew Chief

"Sorry" I mouthed, I could hear Alessandro yelling for me to stop but I just couldn't. "FUCK IT!" I continue my chosen route. I follow through with my plan and continue with the momentum I still have. After I was able to pass through the crash I continued to accelerate to 200 mph. I'm now two laps past all the racers and with that head start I'm stable enough to go into the pitz.

I hear Alessandro saying that McQueen ain't going in and I curse myself from entering in the first place. Then they found a malfunction in my brakes system. Which would definitely kill me if I continued with it like that.They were barely working but every moment I stayed there I got farther and farther from my win. I hear how they announce that apparently there's something wrong with my car because they already changed my wheels and I haven't taken off. Alessandro was saying something about changing the breaks right there and I just accelerated. I had only 10 laps left and actually one lap behind everyone so I started going faster and faster.

150 mph

160 mph

190 mph

200 mph

By then I was already on the lead leaving everyone behind but McQueen. He was a lap ahead and I was about to pass him on my own lap.

210 mph

McQueen finally lost a wheel. I was just behind him when I lost control of my car on the curve when I couldn't slow down. Something happened to my breaks. My speed was 211 mph and I was about to crash. The wheel didn't respond to my movements. Not so long before I had decided to stop pressing my accelerator and hope for the best. This was the last part of the track and I'm freaking out because the brakes don't respond and the wheel isn't doing what it is supposed to do. I get to the finish line and I see three other cars standing just by me, passing the finish line by my side, yet I didn't see them for more than three seconds. As I continued at the speed I was, they were slowing down and heading their cars towards the pits and each trailer.

By the turn my momentum had made it down to 180 mph. And my wheel magically started working again. Alessandro said through the com that the wheel must've disconnected for a moment and that the moves connected it back. He knew exactly what was happening. There were lots of people trying to stop the car and I did the turn and then I saw that they were trying to break the tires and get me to stop.

It finally stops, my head stops turning a bit after and I get out. I see everyone cheering but I can't help but feel embarrassed. Paramedics come and take me and I just say, "How embarrassing." :/

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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