Chapter 2

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I expected a lot of things from my brother, really, but the only thing he did was mutter under his breath "Francine?'' He stayed dumbfounded and hugged me. After a few long seconds I noticed the hot tears rolling into the fabric of the back of my shirt.

"Francine?" He now asked in his normal voice.

"In honor of the most amazing racer and brother, Francesco Bernoulli."

Next morning, we both went into the racing track and thanks to my awesome costuming skills and my brother's very ordinary face, I turned him from the Internationally famous F1 racer: Francesco Bernoulli, into an overly confident 25 year old Italian guy with the most amazing, beautiful, intelligent, sassiest sister who just happens to be the youngest, most amazing Nascar driver in the whole world.

But for the ones who don't want to hear all that amazing presentation, we went incognito to the race track to check on everything (my car, and team).

"Hey, um Ciccio, I forgot to ask, but papà said you would coordinate bringing my car and the team, before I get one from my future sponsor." Let's sum up everything, I convinced my dad to get me a provisional number for my first race in Florida because although they saw me race back in Italy no one was too eager to take me. So, my next course of action is to win the first race in Florida and get at least one sponsor before Francesco left, which was about a week. As part of the Bernoulli family I did get a head start, but it isn't my fault that papà helped me enter the race without an actual sponsor for the first race (actually I asked him for this favor). Anyway, this is my last chance to get a sponsor and complete my dream.

"What's your question?"

"I was wondering if you knew what model I'll be driving?" I said.

"You'll have to wait and see, Francine Ford, wait and see..." he said, keeping up the suspense. I was sure Papà would send a good enough car, but I really wanted to know my car. I was nervous, I only raced in the academy with my brother and in the tryouts, where I was overlooked.

"You have to be kidding me! Is this your way of coming back at me for leaving home? Or for me changing my name?"

Francesco stayed silent, with a devilish smirk. I was turning into a very clingy Tiziana. I poked his arm until the cab picked us up from the hotel.

"There are guidelines for the car, you know that, right?"

"Sì *Yes*."

"Quindi sai che non puoi mettermi in una vecchia auto arrugginita con i freni danneggiati? *So you know you can't put me in an old rusty car with damaged breaks?*"

He looked at me like he forgot that last part. I got worried, just a tiny bit. Knowing him, full well, he's capable of putting me in an old rusty car, but he could also be messing with me. I finally got the memo that he was just messing with me when he started smiling. "Maybe I forgot about the breaks... I'll have to find a broomstick for you to stop. Just don't do it too rushed, you might not give it enough time to stop." I was a tad irritated by his comment but surely not stuck with a carriage instead of a car. "Also I forgot, but the pitz team I bought is Angelo's.

"No, no, no, no! Are you being serious? His team is always il più lento *the slowest*! Even two laps ahead, one pitz stop I'll be behind 3!"

"I'm sure you'll sort it out." He answered my concerns with a pat on my back.

Deep inside I knew he was joking. Back home in PortoFino, he would always teach me tricks in the car and even help me with my homework. He's my big brother after all, he at least wants me to have a chance to succeed. After the not-so-long journey we arrived at the racing track. There were lots of other racers, a few that were already famous but also some that almost no one knew. I was definitely the youngest there. I was already expecting that, but still it was difficult not to feel very small. I worked my ass off to get there since I was 4, a year earlier than it's allowed because of my papa. Papà got me into the junior league when I was 7 after years of driving; me and Ciccio were at the same level by then. But that was then, now I'm a nobody and he's a worldwide famous racer. Now my age could only hurt me. Francesco and a guy from the stadium lead me to where the car was, just after making us sign a few forms. My brother covered my eyes so I wouldn't see the car yet.

"Well what do you think?" He said while uncovering my eyes. I saw a dark storm blue car. It was very low, nonna would say that it'll stick to the floor, almost as low as a F1 race car. The tires were brand new and the rim was sparkly silver and had the ferrari symbol in a mate silver. The paint was impeccable, the guy who paints my dad's sports cars, Nico probably did it himself. Over the paint there was my sticker number, 22; on the sides and bonnet. It still lacked the non existent sponsorship's stickers, so I basically had the outside worked out. I look inside and see a seemingly comfortable seat for me, the control board, and the super lightweight stereo that I bought 2 years ago for my car back in Italy. I genuinely couldn't stop smiling.

"So what's the limit?" I asked Ciccio.

"Well, with you on the wheel, 50 mph. But with the most amazing driver and best brother ever, the safety level is 250 mph."

"Are you kidding? You have to be kidding!"

"Actually yes. According to the engineer theoretically 250 mph is just the first safety limit and it could go up to 300 mph." A big and devilish smile made its way into my face.

"So you're telling me I literally bought my way into winning?"

"Actually not, mi amico *my friend* from the motor said that the motor or wheels might not be able to stand 300 mph. It's safe to stay at a max of 250 mph,"Ciccio said knowing I was about to get in the car to try to get there he added, "and that's where you'll stay!"

"Oh, that's too bad. I was really excited."

"Look at the bright side, the car still is really fast, faster than most I would dare to say."

"Oh, sure, whatever," I said a bit disenchanted by the small speed detail, "What else can it do?"

"It has a cooling system that will prevent the motor from overheating when you're going at a high velocity. Apart from that, you have the control panel that will tell you when to go to the pitz, will give you and your team a real time analysis of the car at all times." He said as I entered the car feeling everything around me. The wheel felt a nice amount of soft with a good grip, the seat was very comfortable, so much so I would definitely stay seated there for hours. The control panel actually was really intuitive and seemed to be working well. "Now let's go meet your team." He said while walking off.

"Wait for me!" I caught up with my brother. While walking I ask,"Hey, are you sure you brought Angelo's pitz team?"

"I'm not sure, I mean who knows? I think you'll have to wait and see."

He's speed BUT I AM FASTER (Cars human AU Francesco's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now