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" you can sleep on the bed , I will take the couch " said omkara while putting her bag beside the cupboard .

" no , I will sleep on the couch , you won't fit i it ." said gauri while moving towards the couch when omkara grabbed her hand and told her in serious tone," you are not sleeping on the couch in this condition . you will be comfortable in bed." 

" why are you caring so much for me . you didn't even want me here  right?" asked gauri .

" I am not caring for you . how many times will I have to tell you that i am caring only for my child . I still don,t want you here . you are still unwanted and I am bearing your presence only for my child ." said omkara cruelly , again breaking her alresdy broken heart .

" fine " said gauri with a hurtful face.

"but I am not going to sleep on bed while you sleep on couch uncomfortably ." 

" just stop your....."  started omkara ready to shout at her but then controlled himself ." fine, we both can sleep on the bed , anyway worst had already happened ." said omkara while taking his clothes and went towards bathroom to change.

after sometime,he came out of the bathroom and took his side on the bed ehile gauri also took another side after changing .

 during midnight , gauri coughed a little due to thirst causing omkara to come awake.

" you need something?" asked omkara seeing her sitting on bed wide awake.

" I need water , but i will take myself ." answered gauri .

" no , you sit i will give you water " he said while getting up and quickly took the jug and poured water in the glass and was going to give her when suddenly changed his mind thinking that water would be cold and started going out of the room saying , " wait a minute ." " and don't drink this water ." said omkara while pointing towards the glass ."

after few minutes he came in the room bringing warm water for her and gave her water , he waited for to drink water and then took the glass from her and put it on the table while saying ," if you need something , do tell me ." 

 " you are again caring for me " said gauri and seeing him started to open his mouth to give her again same so called reason of caring only about child , she asked ,"how me taking water myself is going to affect the child . it's not like mothers don't do any work if they are pregnant."

" you are new here , that's why ." omkara tried to make an excuse but her question definitely put him in serious thoughts . 

after that gauri slept but omkara couldn't thinking about an answer for her question because he knew that excuse he made is not the reason for bringing water for her .

next morning 

" gauri , gauri where are you ? " shouted omkara while coming down the stairs on not finding gauri in the room . seeing his mother in the hall , he asked her " mom have you seen gauri ? she is not in the room ."

" she went to doctor for check up with anika as I couldn't go . actually  I had an important work." answered jahnvi.

" she went to doctor , this early morning . why?"asked omkara .

" om she had mild pain , I told her that it is normal in pregnancy and sent her to doctor with anika.

" but mom you should have atleast informed if she was going to doctor." said a worried omkara .

" sorry, I will inform you from next time ." said jahnvi while being a little happy seeing his care for gauri . she had seen that omkara didn't love gauri but seeing his care she started thinking that there is a hope that he will start loving her one day . little did she know the real reeason of his worry on not finding her at home.

after returning to home , gauri went straight to his room and seeing him sitting there with some papers in his hands may be waiting for her , she went towards him with an expressionless face .

" I need to talk to you." said omkara .

" hmm"

"sign these papers " said omkara with serious face while forwading the papers towards her .

" what is in these papers?"

" these are contract papers . these says that you will not run away from my home while you are pregnant and you will give my child to me after it is borned and will go away from our life forever and will never meet my child and may meet my child only if she /he will be willing to meet his/her mother after knowing her reality ." said omkara with cruelty . while his words crushed her already many times broken heart and she wanted to cry but she anyway signed the papers with no emotion on her face because she knew that she can't separate her child from his/her father as she knew how it feels to live without a father .

" I promise , I will never meet our child . but please don't tell him what you think of me that I am a characterless , opportunistic and goldigger . he will start hating me just like you do and he will be hurt as well and i don't want to hurt him . I want him to  love his mother and i hope you will not make him hate me like you hate your father . I don't think you will make him another omkara . at least I can expect this from you that you will not make him hate his mother , anyway I will be going away from his and your life forever ." said gauri with a cold face .


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