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" om , she was not at fault there . "

" how do you know that she was not at fault mom?"

" it doesn't matter how do i know.the thing that matters is can't you forget what happened and start afresh with gauri ?" said jahnvi.

" no mom i can never forget that because of her jahnvi thakurain set herself in fire . you don't know mom what i was feeling when i saw  you in her place .i can never forget that because of her an innocent commited suicide ." said omkara filled with hatred towards gauri .

" om, why are you not understanding ? she was helpless and compelled to do all that . her mother was kidnapped . and according to you even if she did wrong  then what right do you have to hurt like this . she didn't do anything wrong with you . if you can't accept her atleast don't hurt her . just think about your mother . think about how your mother feels when  your father hurts her . om, you have become like the  person whom you always hated . don't do this with her om . she is more than hurt now ." said jahnvi with a pleading face .

Her words made omkara think about his words which he said to gauri and he hated himself for being like the person whom he hated all his life. he made a decision that if he can not accept her , he will never hurt her again . no matter how she is but at least mother of her child doesn't deserves this .

" don't worry mom i will never hurt her again , i promise " said omkara with an understanding face . 

 jahnvi smiled at him while kissing his forehead and said," that's like my om ." 

in afternoon 

in rikara's room

"gauri , anika babhi said you didn't take your milk today . take this " said omkara while bringing glass of milk for her .

" i am not feeling like drinking milk . i will have later ." said gauri while making a face.

" gauri its important for you to have milk . you need it." said omkara with a caring face

seeing her face and knowing very well what she was going to ask he said ," i can care for mother of my child right ?"

" gauri , i am really sorry for treating you like this . i realised i shouldn't have treated you liked that " said omkara with an apologising look , suprising gauri a little but she chose to stay silent .

gauri took the glass of milk from his hand and start drinking milk sitting on the bed . after she drank milk omkara took glass from her and said," gauri , we need to go to doctor for your regular checkup."

"hmm " hummed gauri and they both went downstairs.

omkara and gauri were in doctor's cabin waiting for her reports when doctor arrives.

she took her chair and said ," Mrs. oberoi you very well know that you have a very complicated pregnancy . you really need to be carefull ."

" why what happened doctor ," said omkara with a worried face .

" Mr. oberoi , she had exhuasted herself during initial weeks of pregnancy and did'n take much care of herself . she had really unhealthy pregnancy .you need to take a lot of care of her ," said doctor with a serious face .

omkara and gauri were in car while returning to oberoi mansion . doctor's words were constantly ringing in his mind . seeing him so worried for her health gauri thought to console him and said ," omkara ji, are you worried ? " asked gauri 

" yes a little" 

" don't worry , nothing wrong will happen ." 

" i know " 

gauri and omkara started a conversation when gauri saw a golgappa stall on the side of road .

" omkara ji , stop the car ." said gauri with excitement .

" what happened , are you alright ? " asked omkara while stopping the car on the side of road .

" yes i am alright , its just ..." said gauri a little hesitant .

" just ? " asked omkara seeing her a little hesitant .

" i want ... golgappe " said gauri .

omkara looked around and saw the golgappa stall there and then smiled a little looking at her and said ," but gauri , these may be unhealthy ." " i will make for you at home " said omkara concerned about her health .

" omkara ji , these are not unhealthy and at home it will not be tasting same , here are more tasty." said gauri .

seeing her being stubborn omkara thought may be she was craving for golpgappe and said ," ok fine , but only on one condition." 

" what ? " asked gauri .

 " you are not going to eat golgappe in your typical gauri kumari sharma style ." said omkara remebering how dangerous her style of eating golgapple is.

" of course , i will not . omkara ji , i too care for my baby ."

" hmm " said omkara 

they both went towards the stall and omkara watched her eating golgappe with excitement .

 when she finished , she  takes  out money and gave it to the vendor . though omkara noticed it but chose to stay silent . 

they again sat in the car when omkara said , " gauri, i would have paid . you didn't need to."

" why i didn't i need to ? i ate golgappe so i had to pay . anyway you don't consider me your wife so how would i have let you pay for me " said gauri with a face showing self respect .

" but i consider you mother of my child and you are ." said omkara with a serious face.

" hmm " hummed gauri .

His words though made gauri a little happy but she was very afraid to hope now .


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